(6) Shingen Imagine

Start from the beginning

"Oh turning by so fast, what's wrong Nari, you need more candies?"

"No... Granny, can I ask you a favor? This is maybe way too much for a stranger who just met 15 minutes ago,"

"I don't mind, you know I'll do anything for Shingen's lady," she smiled. Shingen's lady, I guess people need to stop calling you that, at least not for now, you can feel your eyes getting watery. "Uhm... can I stay on your house for a few days, things happen between me and Shingen and I don't want to stay at the castle at this current situation,"


The Granny agrees. Her house is not really big, she lives there alone. The granny said that her only child died at a battle 5 years ago, he's a soldier. You spend the day helping her to make candies to sell tomorrow. You thought perhaps spending sometime apart with Shingen will help you think. Honestly that incident shocks you. You have a burden of emotion inside your heart, and you know if you met Shingen at this condition you'll say tons of things you'll probably regret in the future. So the best thing is to stay apart from him this few days, till you made up your mind.

You were wrapping candies when you heard someone knock the door. "Granny, open up, this is an emergency, open immediately,"

"God, I think that's Shingen's men, I need to hide, somewhere. I can't go back to the castle, at least not now, I can't face Shingen," you panicked. "Go hide in my closet, now," Granny orders as she get up to get the door. You ran to the bedroom and get in to the closet as she ordered.

"Yes?" Granny opened the door. "Granny, if you hadn't known, Lady (y/n) is missing and Shingen command us to look for her everywhere, he also commands us to search at every house, so do you mind if we check your house for a bit?"


You hear footsteps entering the house. You kind of feel warm inside, Shingen are concerned you're gone, he even sends his men to search on every house. You hear the bedroom's door about to be opened, you breath shorten and you started to panic. "Uhm actually, I have a guess over, she just got here after a long journey, she's probably resting there now, and it would be rude if we woke her up,"

Phew, great one granny.

"Oh my, sorry, well, I guess this house is clean. Thank you for your time Granny, we're sorry for disturbing,"

"It's okay; I hope Lady Nari is found soon,"

The next morning, you help Granny selling the candies in the street. Of course you disguise so people won't notice you. You wear a cape; you tie your hair into a bun and a mask covering your mouth. "Sweetheart, you sure it's okay? You already helped me a lot last night with the making, and now you help me sell the candy, I don't think I can make it up to you," Granny sat down after a long walk offering people the candies. "You don't have to make it up to me, you already gave me delicious candy the other day, that will do," you smiled. You stayed with Granny for the next 6 days, everyday you'll help her make candies and sell them down the street. And of course, every night, Shingen's man will check the house and you would hide.

Now it's been a week, you started to Miss Shingen, you miss his smile, his laugh, but it's not the same anymore since you saw him with that girl.

"Nari, the other day, you saw Shingen with women am I right?" Granny suddenly spoke.

"Yes, how do you know?"

The Granny laugh, "Classic," she said. "Nari, my dearest, I think you should go back to Shingen, I bet he misses you a lot by now,"

"Granny,can you let me stay a little bit longer? I know I'm distressing you by staying at your house for a pretty long time but I can't go back to Shingen, I can't"

"It's not like I don't like staying at my house, Nari. And no, you're not distressing me at all, in fact you've helped me, tons. But you must go back to Shingen, I can tell you miss him a lot, even though you saw him with a girl, you should try to talk it out with Shingen, after you listen his side of story, then you can choose either to stay with him or leave him, the choice is yours. For now just go, see him,"


Here you are, standing in front of his manor. You don't know what you'll say to him. You knocked, twice. The door opened, and there stand a man. A man with a puffy eyes, messy hair, and he still looked so darn beautiful. "Shingen, I know I have a lot to explain, and I have my reasons... i—"

In split second he took your hand and pull you inside. He hugged you. "I'm scared (y/n), I'm so scared, I'm afraid you'll never get back, I miss you, so much. Please don't ever leave me like that again,"

"I saw you with a women Shingen," you said. Shingen didn't even tensed, he relaxed. "I know, I saw you too back there," he said.

"That women I hug, is from my past. She's about to leave this village, and she left with a serious reasons, she suffer with a really rare illness and she must travel overseas to get the cure. Last week she confessed she's still in love with me, she was crying. Me on the other hand, I didn't feel the same of course, I've found someone else, that someone else is you."

"She asked me for a one last kiss, but I didn't give her that. But knowing this is probably her last, I gave her a hug instead. I know it's wrong, it's not something a men with relationship will do. But I need to respect her feelings, at least give her something to cherish. My feelings for you, is still the same, nothing has changed. I'm still in love with you. Will you give me another chance?"

You feel overwhelmed. You never see this side of Shingen. She respect women's feeling. He care that much. Granny is right, hearing his side of story, change everything. You gave him a wide smile. You put your hand on his cheek. "There's nothing to forgive, I'm glad you did that for her, you're a true gentlemen Shingen. And I love you for that"

"Thank you, thank you," he hugged you again and gave you a kiss on your forehead. "I thought you were cheating on me you idiot," you said half crying. "I would never do that (y/n), I'm sorry for giving you the wrong idea this whole time,"

"As a punishment, you need to buy me candy down the street," you command. "Will do princess," he laughs.

Vote and comment! Oh and also, I installed ikemen revolution, it's very cool y'all should try this game out if you like ikemen sengoku

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