For a moment, he just unconsiously accused Wayo as someone who likes being with many persons at once.

He had associated the younger guy to her again. He was surprised himself to even comprehend what really happened to them.

To his remorse, his fear started resurfacing again and he was not able to control it.

Mingkwan removed all of his clothes and stood under the warm running water. He let the liquid flow on his face as it slowly suffocates him together with feeling the heavy weigh of the guilt which was supposed to be a sentiment that had been burried deep inside him for years even before meeting his ex wife.

Living as a part of Daechapanya Family after his mother's death had stripped almost all of those kind of emotions off the young Mingkwan's system.

He doesn't have a choice but to abandon everything in connection to good feelings because he needs to, to protect himself before and now to fend his children from the worlds cruelness and specially from the scars their own mother had left.

When he met Moowan he thought that he had finally found the salvation his soul has been yearning for years but his life turns even worse when she finally showed who she really was.

A deceiving woman who's addicted to the scent of blood and to physical union of bodies, with different people. A sadist who's willing to pay fortune to anyone who can satisfy her cravings, willing or not.

Mingkwan became her favorite prey and being the powerful heir of a multi-billion company made her do more ludicrous work like making him fall in love with her.

Having Mingkwan's surname definitely gained her more advantage. She was a rookie model from a rich family but their resources was not enough so her parents, who own a rising electronic company, made sure that there will be a merger between their families.

They used his affection for her as an opportunity to gain more power in the business industry and of course to provide the growing needs of their precious daughter. They had used his weakness very well. The feeling of being loved.

The first years of their marriage was okay. She gave him his greatest treasures, Lauren and Cooper. They were living like how a perfect family should be until the day she had enough of her own lies, of everything they had been doing.

The perfect life he was trying hard to live normally was just all fabricated by her. She laughed and cursed Mingkwan saying how stupid he was for falling in love with her. She called him names and had hurt him physically. Although he was stronger, he didn't do anything because he genuinely loved her that time. He stayed silent because he thought his love is enough change her. He already saw the signs but he turned blind and choose not to open the paradox but she opened it herself.

When he can't take her inhumane fetishes anymore, after months of torture, he had tried leaving her for good but he failed because she made sure that he will understand that leaving her means he won't be able to take their children, not when she's still around.

He can't also take his revenge and harm her too because the respect was still present. He is starting to dispise her but he still respected her as someone who he had loved and as the mother of his children.

In the end, he may had stayed longer but he still resisted everything she wanted him to do. They got to the point where she had threatened that she will harm their children if he resisted further so he immediately raised his white flag and let her do anything she wanted. Moowan also forced him to look at her while she let her whole body be soaked in blood while enjoying his favorite liquor.

She enjoyed things related to blood and sex and just imagining the things that she made him do brings terror to his whole being. The sinister smile plastered in her innocent face is terrifying for the young Mingkwan.

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