Part Four

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We began having arguments.

So many arguments.

There weren’t even meaningful.

The creeping cracks in our relationship we ignored.

We pretended we were happy.

I knew it was a lie.

So did you.

We began to see less of each other.

I only saw you maybe once a week.

We still texted though.

But that held very little meaning to me.

Our phone calls were very brief.

We asked how were each other, we organised dates.

Those dates were then cancelled.

Not that I minded.

I bet you didn’t either.

We weren’t in love like before.

We weren’t even in like.

I started to see my friends again.

You started to see yours too.

When I was out with both our friends, you weren’t there.

When you were out with both our friends, I wasn’t there.

We finally faced up to the problem.

We fell out of love.

We then broke up.


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