Part Three

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We began to go on more dates.

I think you became more comfortable around me.

The extravagance of the dates died down.

They became more about us together, rather than you impressing me.

I became more comfortable around you too.

I was happy you stopped trying so hard.

You didn’t need to.

We were a happy couple.

We only needed each other.

You met my family.

They loved you.

Even my older brother.

Although, he said he’d kill you if you hurt me.

You laughed it off, assuring him that wasn’t going to happen.

You told him it was more likely I’d break up with you because you weren’t good enough.

I smiled and reassured you, that you were wrong.

I met your family too.

No surprise, they loved me.

I’m just joking.

Not really.

Our relationship moved on.

I was in love with you.

You were in love with me.

We were the happiest we could be.

Or so I thought.


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