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Gellert and Abe were glaring at each other neither one of them willing to lose this fight. Ariana was still at the door watching but she was safe out of the way. Suddenly there was a bright flash of light from Gellert's wand and it hit my brother square across the chest. Turning on the love of life I mustered up enough courage to stand up to him.

"What the hell Gell?" I questioned

"Come on Albus you can't be serious he's stopping all of our plans"

I turned and looked at my brother on the floor still heaving with pain. I looked back at Gellert for a split second before a blue light flew from my brother's wand and hit Gell. Before I knew what was happening they were shouting and yelling at each other curses flying through the air. I heard Ariana's screams piercing the air yelling at us to stop and I knew I had to stop the fight before someone got hurt. I started sending my own spells only small ones but enough to hopefully make them stop. No matter how hard I tried they wouldn't stop fighting. Suddenly Ariana was in the middle of the fight. She let out her loudest scream I had ever heard and suddenly her Obscurous erupted out of her. It flew around Abe and Gellerts head both of them oblivious to it in their anger before descending back onto her. She kept screaming but this time it was different she sounded in pain. I knew I couldn't touch it. Suddenly it stopped and I rushed over to her ready to comfort her. However on the ground was her lifeless body.

"ABE HELP" I yelled as loudly as possible. He turned around and I saw his face go white with grief. Gell turned around and I saw the shock pass over his face. Suddenly a loud crack echoed across the field and Gellert disapperated to who knows where. Abe run over already wth tears rolling down his face.

"Who did it? ALBUS WHO DID IT?" I didn't want him to know that she had killed herself I just said

"I don't know it could have been any of us"

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