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*8 years ago*

Golden sparks floated around me as my magic fireworks exploded a couple of feet above me. It was my sixth birthday and my mother had let me stay up an hour later. I began chasing a red sparkler through the garden until I heard a rustle in the hedges in front of me. My red firework suddenly fizzled out as I stepped forward cautiously

"Hello? Al is that you?"

"No I don't think so little freak." Three big boys stepped though the hedge looking a bit scared but fierce nevertheless.

"I'm not a freak!" I said indignantly "I'm normal" I stomped my foot and went to go tell Al that boys were being mean.

"Not so fast twat" the biggest one said, "make another firework"

"I can't" I stuttered a bit scared because I cannot control my magic yet.

Suddenly the smallest one grabbed me and pushed me against my houses wooden wall

"Make. Another. Firework. Now. Or else" he snarled in my face spitting all over it

"Please stop I can't make any more" I whined

Suddenly they were all over first shaking me until my teeth shook then pushing me between them then. Finally, one of them held a knife up to my throat

"Make another firework or your dead you little freak!!" he shouted at me

"I can't, I can't. Stop please!" I begged them. The knife pushed harder against my throat stinging.

"Please stop please it hurts. Stop!" I half yelled half sobbed. I looked down and saw my blood in drops on the grass sparkling, deep red. Suddenly I saw my brother hurtle out of the house pulling them off me and pulling me to safety. Then my father emerged out of the house his face flushed with anger and he set off down the road yelling curses. I heard the boy's screams and saw my father's flashing magic before my brothers pulled me back into the house.

*present day*

Gasping I woke up tears streaking down my cheeks and my throat hoarse from screaming. My father gone, my mother gone. What if Al goes next? Or Abe? Or me?

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