He's.... so Pretty (SMUT)

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Just woke up and see the clock. It's 5.00 pm. We were taking a nap since he was sick and as the effect of the medicine.. and... he's hugging me tight right now. I usually protest bcs we never like this on bed. He never hug me i never hug him. We sleep but our body not even dare to touch each other. but this time i feel like.... it's fine i like it... and it's make me feel sleepy. So i decide to sleep again

I woke up again bcs i don't feel the warm anymore.. where's Youngjae? Okay what time is it? 8.00 PM?! WHAT?! WE have been sleeping like for 6 hours?

"C-Choi where are you?"

I saw the bathroom door locked

*knock* "are you in there?"

"Y-yes hyung"

"Is everything fine? Do you vomit or anything? Need my help?"

"No... e-evrything is fine. I feel much better right now. The cold was gone i just need some rest. I just..."

*click* the sound of unlocked door

"Want me to come in?" I asked

"Y-you better not b-but.... it's up t-to you"

"Okay i'm in Cho-- HOLY SHIT!!! JESUS!!"

"I j-just wondering what i'll l-look like with a skirt a-and this is my mom's first dress and wig when she w-was a highschool student. When he still a male that tried to be a female... I a-always hug it whenever i miss him.. t-this is the only thing that i have. B-but... when you said i'm p-pretty as if i w-wear a skirt...  m-made me want to try to use this dress"


"I-is it really y-you....?"

He is so pretty

"I-I think i'm t-taller than my mom now if she still alive bcs.. i-isn't it too short don't you t-think?" He said as he tried to covering his pale thigh

Damn his pale thigh is thicc but perfect. Not too skinny but not fat at all
Wait Jaebum what are you thinking?!

"O-okay c-an you leave and close the door? I want to change into pajama again..."



"Please? I never say please to people before Choi and you know it"

"O-okay then"

"O-okay then"

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