Chapter 10. The Doors.

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I woke up because somebody knocked. Not on my door, my window. My room is on the 1st floor so it's not really hard to get there. "Oh my god, Erik! Have you heard something about the doors?" I ask.

"Well, I'm not much of a fan." He says. 

"I didn't mean the band, dumbass, I mean why you didn't use the door to get here?" I ask him.

"It's impossible." He answers.

"What do you mean?" I'm confused.

-"3 guys are having a camp behind your door."

I can't believe it. They don't trust me! "Wait here," I open the door and Erik wasn't lying, they had really slept here. "What the fuck are you guys doing?" I scream, because they were still sleeping.

Thomas wakes up: "We were... uhmm... we were.."

"We were playing earthworms!" Basti says.

"And you didn't sleep in here? No? Not at all? You just happened to play earthworms here?"

"Yes! you're right! We were just crawling in this hallway!" Thomas states.

"And Poldi just happened to fell asleep right here?" I ask.

"What? He was awake few minutes ago!" Basti screams.

"Oh, really, that's great." I close the door and start talking with Erik. "So, what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see you." Shit. He should not have said that. I'm blushing like a tomato. "And I'm worried about Mario. He doesn't talk with me nor Marco. He is mad about something and I thought you and your girly brain can help us." 

"Girly brain? I'm the biggest tomboy ever, great choice." I applause to him. "Well, I can try to talk with him if you want to. And I think you need to leave. There will be breakfast in half an hour so I think you should go." I say.

"Maybe you wanna do something tonight?" He asks me.

"Great idea, the only bad part is that we have a game tonight." I say

-"Of course, I forgot. I better get going. see ya in half an hour." He starts walking towards the door.

"What are you doing, you idiot, use the window!" Facepalm.

-"yeah, right, I forgot." 

"Alzheimer's? Dude, I'm worried." 

-"No alzheimer's, just that when I'm with you, I forget everything else."


Guys, I need your help. I would be super happy, if someone could make me a cover. I suck at this. So, if you can make covers, can you please help me?

Express your feelings! Tell me, who and what you want to see more? And I would love to hear some ship names! ;)

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