Leaving NYC

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Olivia collapsed onto the pavement after telling Elliot that she had seen William Lewis.

"Daddy! What's wrong with Livvy?" Eli exclaimed frantically.

"She passed out is all. She should wake up in a couple of minutes," Elliot said calmly and he checked to make sure that Olivia hadn't hit her head when she fell. He gently shook her. "Olivia, baby, I need you to wake up," he said. On the outside he was calm, passing out wasn't major, but what caused it was. She says she saw William Lewis but it can't be. He's in prison for life. Elliot was pulled out of his thoughts when Olivia stirred awake. "Olivia, you're okay," Elliot told her pulling her in his arms. Once she came to she started to cry.

"It was him, El! It was him!" she cried.

"Let's get to the car, come on," Elliot said helping Olivia off the ground. She kept looking all around for The Beast. She knew she had seen him, there was no doubt. The three got to the car and Elliot's cell phone rang- it was Don Cragen.

"Captain, hey," Elliot answered as he pulled onto the main road.

"Elliot, are you with Olivia? She isn't picking up her cell." Elliot looked over at Olivia who had her arms covering her head in her lap as she trembled and cried. He felt so helpless and it killed him.

"Yes, I'm with her."

"If you're at her place, get out of there now. William Lewis escaped from Rikers and we believe Olivia is his number 1 target. He knows where she lives."

"Captain, we've been at Coney Island and she says she saw him there. I didn't believe her but now..."

"We're going to send police over there. Just leave town," Cragen ordered.

"Yes sir. Please, keep us updated," Elliot said and hung up. Olivia looked up at Elliot with tear-stained cheeks.

"He escaped, didn't he?" she asked, her voice breaking. Terror gripped every bit of her.

"Who escaped? What's going on?" Eli cried as tears ran down his cheeks. Poor thing, he was so damn scared.

"Eli, I'm taking you over to mommy's house, alright?" Elliot said looking in the rearview mirror at his son.

"But it's my turn at your house!" Eli wailed. It broke Elliot's heart and he choked back his own tears.

"I know son, I know. But right now you've got to listen to me, ok? You're going to mommy's while I take care of Livvie." Eli wiped his face.

"I don't understand," Eli said, his lip quavering. Olivia looked out the window, all types of emotions filling her at once. Fright, worry, angst, dread, sadness for little Eli. She was nauseous, she wanted to hide from all of her troubles. She cried, trying to keep it quiet as to not frighten Eli anymore than he already was. Elliot sped to Kathy's house. She was surprised to see the three of them there. Elliot told Eli to go play but he wouldn't let go of his dad.

"Eli," Elliot said kneeling down to his height. "I need you to be a big boy. Be a man, be brave, okay? Can you do that for me?" Eli nodded and showed him his muscles.

"I'm strong," he said and Elliot smiled at him and hugged his son.

"Go on buddy." Elliot kissed Eli on the head and the boy ran inside the house. Kathy stepped outside.

Healing Love (A Bensler fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now