She's Certifyibly Cute and Adorably Obsessed

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It's been three weeks since she's seen Lucian. She'd been avoiding both her and Patrick ever since the Adorara incident and their weird hang out. Though, she does have to see Patrick in class, she always makes up excuses as to why she can't hang out with him afterward.

There is absolutely no excuse for her to have avoided Lucian this long. Especially considering they live together. This wouldn't be the first time she's done something like this, though. The first few years they lived together, Marjorie suffered silently with extreme depression and mood swings to where she often hid in her room and she and Lucian avoided each other. So, she supposed, Lucian was used to this after a certain point. Though, it had been awhile since she'd resorted to hiding in her room.

She needed time to figure herself out, though. Her confusion about Patrick continues to mount and her shame about Adorara isn't something she's keen on relaying to Lucian. She knew the second she saw Lucian, she'd be able to get it out of her. So she laid low, confining herself to her room to get ahead of her semester and read creepypastas on the internet.

She didn't end up sleeping much most nights, but she could live with that. As long as she didn't have to talk about or face her feelings. It was better that way.

When she hears the front door of her apartment close, she finally sneaks out of her room to try and eat breakfast. She tip toes to the kitchen just in case, watching the door all the while. She'd had a few close calls with Lucian before where she'd forgotten something and come inside. Marjorie had become very adept at avoiding h--

"Hello, Marjorie," Lucian said from the corner of the kitchen, next to the fridge. The only area of their apartment Marjorie couldn't clearly see from her bedroom.

Marjorie jumped out of her skin, knocking several plastic cups off of the island and watching as they clattered to the floor and bounced in different directions.

"Lucian!" Marjorie exclaimed, clutching her chest in surprise. "How did you even--" She looked from the front door to the kitchen and back again. "How did you get back in here so fast?"

"I have my ways," Lucian said, crossing her arms over her chest. "But that's not what I want to talk about right now," she said when Marjorie opened her mouth to start something. She held her hand up, pressing her finger to Marjorie's lips. "Let's start with why you've been avoiding me for three whole weeks."

Marjorie laughed nervously.

"And don't tell me you haven't been avoiding me because I know your schedule, chika," Lucian said.

Marjorie blew out a big puff of air. "I just haven't been feeling myself lately," Marjorie lied. "You know how I get when I don't feel one hundred percent."

"I do," Lucian said with a swift nod of her head. "But I also know you've been doing really well on your anti-depressants for the past year and a half." Lucian gave her a skeptical look. "What's going on?"

Marjorie shrugged. "The stress of college is just getting to me, I guess. It's my last semester. I'm really scared about what's going to happen with my future and--"

"And you also haven't brought up Patrick at all for three weeks. Which, isn't too terribly odd considering you've been hiding out in your room instead of spending any time with me at all, but I was certain you would jump at the chance to vent about him again." Lucian narrowed her eyes. "Which leads me to believe that something happened with him that you really want to avoid talking about."

"Actually, no," Marjorie said. "Nothing happened with Patrick. It's just more of the same me being genuinely confused and him flirting with me and still vaguely having a girlfriend."

Marjorie Diaz's Unfortunate Introduction to Magical High SocietyWhere stories live. Discover now