"What?" Zac asks, furrowing his eyebrows, "Why on earth would you do something like that?"

Louis looks at Zac and shakes his head, "Well, I did, now I'm here." He dismisses the subject, "I'll figure it out, probably go to college."

"What would you study?" Zac wonders, punching a few buttons, momentarily glancing up at Louis.

"I'm not sure." Louis says truthfully, "I'm thinking acting?" He blushes, "It's not very likely that would go anywhere."

"I say, If you want it, go for it." Zac offers his encouragement, "I mean, if an acting career doesn't take off, you can at least become a teacher, yeah?"

Louis smiles, "Yeah, I guess I never really thought of it like that." He says, "Thanks, Zac."

"No problem."


The day goes by slow, Louis is constantly checking his phone for a reply from Harry. It doesn't come until after he and Zac have closed up for the day. Zac offers to go out for drinks, Louis kindly declines him and heads home.

He had texted Harry this morning and told him to have a good day and that he would be thinking about him. Harry's only response was him asking if he could call Louis.

Instead of answering, Louis calls him, stuffing his free hand in his pocket as he walks to Harry's apartment. He doesn't understand why Harry won't stay there himself, it is his house afterall. He's sure it's because he doesn't want Louis to go to Zayn's and potentially fall in love with him.

Which would never happen, not now that Louis is so insanely in love with Harry.

"Hey, Louis."

Louis smiles at the sound of Harry's voice, instantly sending a warm feeling through his body, "Hey, I'm surprised you remember my name, you haven't texted all day."

Harry chuckles, "Sorry, Love, I was busy all day, I'm actually at the house right now."

Louis frowns, "Uh, why?" He asks, his pace quickening in hopes Harry won't leave before he gets there.

"Had to pick up some papers, for this new job Im interviewing for." He explains, "Where are you?"

Louis looks forward, eyes set on his- their apartment building, "I actually am heading home, now, so."

He hears Harry shuffle around the other side of the phone, "Oh, well-"

"Maybe we can order some takeout? Watch a movie?" Louis suggests quickly in hopes that Harry will accept and just let go of this no seeing each other thing.

"I don't think so, Lou." Harry says gently, sighing, "This is going good, right now, let's not rush anything, yeah?"

Louis sucks in a nervous breath and stops walking when he sees Harry walking out of the apartment and towards his car, "Okay." He tells him. He's trying his best not to cry. He hasn't seen Harry in what feels like forever. He knows he's being ridiculous, there was a time he didn't see him for years, a month is nothing.

"Hey, I love you." Harry speaks into the phone, pulling his keys out of his pocket.

"When did you get a car?" Louis asks and Harry almost immediately looks up, seeing Louis standing there with a curious look on his face.

Despite Harry's wishes to stay away from one another, he watches the older hang up the phone and walk towards him. His heart is beating so fast. He can't find words to explain how thankful he is that Harry had that reaction, instead of just hanging up and leaving.

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