Young adult Vegeta x Tryant 1st form Frieza

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A/N this story will take place when Vegeta is still a young adult and still under Frieza's rule. In this time, Nappa and Raditz are still alive and they all serve Frieza.

Also sorry if this sucks. I was trying to find a way where Vegeta and Frieza could be together even though they hate each other.

😋 enjoy


Vegeta's boots made a soft thump with every step he took down the cold, quiet hallway towards Frieza's quarters. Every step, every breath he took echoed throughout the desolate hall, the sound only falling on his ears. Usually, the hallways of Frieza's ship were crowded with minions running, no, nearly sprinting back and forth serving Frieza's every order quickly for fear of what he might do if they took too long. The lack of chaos developed a feeling of unease inside of Vegeta. This eerie, lonely state gnawed at Vegeta's nerves. He wished someone, anyone, would walk down the hallway so that they could share the burden of unease. Even Apule was nowhere insight! Hell, at this point Vegeta was actually HOPING Guldo would appear; at least if he did Vegeta could throw some dog treats at him to calm his nerves.

Vegeta shook his head as he continued down the never ending hallway. What is he saying? When did a prince become so afraid of a little quietness? The answer: never! He began to calm down some, but the question of why Frieza called Vegeta down to his own personal quarters still pestered him. Typically, if Frieza needed something from the prince, or any other minion for that matter, he would simply call for him from the throne room, on the main deck...where there were a bunch of witnesses.....
oh fuck, he was going to die.

Did Frieza want him alone so he could just kill him?
No. Frieza would never say it but, he actually liked Vegeta. He wouldn't just kill him, would he? Vegeta clenched his fists as he approached Frieza's quarters. Damn. Why is he so afraid? Where did his damn Saiyan pride go?! He can stand up to Frieza, the prince fears nothing and everybody should fear The Prince. After all Frieza is just a man...the man who blew up his home planet and almost eradicated his whole race.

Vegeta interrupted his thoughts with a small knock on the door. "Lord Frieza?" There was no answer for some time. Vegeta began to grow hopeful that Frieza forgot about this meeting and left his quarters. Vegeta smirked a little, relieved, and turned around to walk back to his own quarters.

"Come in."

Vegeta stopped dead in his tracks. No. He slowly turned around. Frieza was in there. Vegeta reached to open the door with a slightly shaky hand. Damn. He attempted to steady his nerves. Frieza couldn't see Vegeta shaken up like this. Vegeta took a deep breath and opened the door.

There he was. Standing at the window, looking out at the cosmos, wine glass in hand, and back to Vegeta. Vegeta let out quiet breath, maybe Frieza hasn't seen him yet? Was there still Time to quickly sneak out? No! A Saiyan prince would NEVER--

"Are you just going to stand around like the brain dead monkey that you are or are you are going to come in?" Frieza asked in a low, slightly agitated tone.

Vegeta clenched his teeth at the insult but, still walked into the middle of the room. He begrudgingly knelt down on one knee, a few feet behind Frieza, and bowed his head. "You summoned me, Lord Frieza?"

Frieza smirked and finally turned around to face Vegeta. He loved to see the prideful prince bow down to him. "Yes, I did. And you can stand up now, Vegeta. Unless you like being on your knees.."

one shots and lemons (mostly dbz)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें