•chapter 1•

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1. Tris
2. uriah
3. Lynn
4. Marlene
5. Peter
6. Will
7. Christina

8 months later....
"Well today has been a really busy day and you worked hard, you could leave while I clean up and lock up the store." Tori says to me with a warm smile yet a tired look in her eyes. "Are you sure? I mean I could broom or lock the register for you. You look really ti-" I said but was soon cut off. "Tris you've worked really hard for me for 8 months, I think you deserve a little break. Go on home four is probably waiting for you at home." Tori tells me as she started wiping the counters. " *sigh* All right well see you tomorrow". Then I exit the parlor.
As I'm walking back to Tobias apartment,which we share since he ask me to move in with him.

Then I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn to see Tobias standing behind me. I get up, beaming. "You think giving you a hug would give away too much?" he says. "You know" I say "I really don't care." I stand on my tiptoes and press my lips to his. It is the best moment of my life. A moment later Tobias breaks the kiss. " I wanted to ask you a question. Here." Then he hands me a small box with a bow tie on top. I panic as I take the box, don't tell me he's gonna propose! I'm only sixteen!" Then I open the box, there's a key and a note attached to it saying 'move in with me?' "Yes" I said then giving him a kiss.
End of flashback.

I smile at the memory. Then I pass by a jewelry store. A matching necklace caught my attention and I instantly went in to buy it for Tobias and I. I asked if can I get one with '4&6' written on it. The necklace is in shape of a heart when together but can taken apart for each person to take half.
I hurry back to the apartment excited to show Tobias the necklace. I arrive to our door and take my keys and unlock the door. Usually Tobias would be on the couch watching TVs day waiting for me, but he wasn't there. Then I noticed a pair of sneakers tossed around near the couch. 'Maybe its Tobias sister' (Yes in this story Tobias has a sister. She's same age as tris and went through initiation with tris.) Then I opened the bedroom door to find a topless Tobias, but that's not it! A topless Tobias kissing a blond haired girl. I run up to Tobias and smack the back of his head which caused him to stubble of the bed. Then I saw who the blond haired girl is.... Marlene! "What the heck! Who could you Marlene! Uriah loves you and this is what you do. You should be ashamed of yourself!" I yell as my face get redder and redder as every second goes by. "I'm so sorry tris... I..I... didn't mean it" Marlene said as tears run down her eyes. "Tris" Tobias says as he put his arm on my shoulder. "No! Don't touch me four! Don't lay a hand in me, don't ever come near me again or I swear four I'll kill you myself." I say with a threatening voice. I turn around and make my way to the door then I stopped turned around and threw the chain at Tobias chest. "Happy 8 month jerk." Then I exit the room then slam the door behind me. The first person I thought to go to was uriah. He's my best friend, he'll be able to talk and calm me down and I also have to tell him about Marlene.
"Hey tris." Uriah says with his world famous smile but slowly faded away when he saw the tears in my eyes. "Oh my god tris what happened? Who hurt you? I swear I'll punch that pansycake when I find him!" Uriah says as he lets me , gives me a hug and sits me down on the couch. "Uriah, Four cheated on me." I say but before I could finish my sentence Uriah jolts up. "What! I'll be right back" Uriah says walking towards the door. "No Uriah wait I wasn't done!" I say running to him and dragging him back to the couch. "Why! He deserves to get beaten up. He's stupid for cheating on you. Why are you holding me back?" Uriah shouted. "Because he cheated on me with Marlene!" I shouted back. I didn't mean to shout, but he aggravated me with his yelling. Uriah didn't say anything he just got up and walked out the door. I yelled for him to come back, but he ignored me and kept walking.
It's been 3 hours since Uriah has left and I'm worried. He hasn't came back and Zeke hasn't seen him. As I'm searching around the pit I hear a loud laugh. I turn around and see Uriah laughing insanely loud around a group of dauntless with a beer bottle in his hand. "Trissyyy!" He says walking towards me. "How you been best friend." He says putting his arm around me shoulder. "Not good Uriah." I say as I walk him away from the pit and towards his apartment. "Why is that trissy? I'm having a blast!" He said almost tumbling over himself. I chuckle. "I bet you are." I say as I'm helping him inside his house, putting him to bed. Uriah looks at me looking a bit sober now. He then rubs his thumb on my cheek. "Why have you been crying tris, your to beautiful for that." He says seriously. "Well I'm not having the best day. My boyfriend cheated on me, and I was worried sick searching for you since four cheated on me with Marlene. I thought you would've been somewhere sobbing, but I was wrong." I say while playing with the other half of Chain that I have. Uriah took the chain from my hand and put into the trash beside his bed. He sits up on his bed, took my hand and stared at me. I loved looking into his eyes, it was like I melting in his chocolate eyes. "Do you know why I'm not upset tris. It's because I...i.." He's says as he's leaning in. Then he passes out. I forgot for a second there he was drunk. 'Was he going to kiss me?' I thought. I brushed the thought out of my head and started tucking him in and closed the light. I went towards the couch to sleep since I didn't have anywhere else to sleep. Usually when something is on my mind I'd stay up all night with thought in my head that won't leave, but for some reason as soon as my head touched that pillow I was asleep. Drifting to sleep.

Heyy guys!
So this is my first story and first chapter! I hope you guys liked it. I promise I would make it longer. I'm currently writing on my phone.
Please vote and comments! I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions especially since I'm not thinking everything through I just type and hope it makes sense lol.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2018 ⏰

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