"Time out guys—each member follow the student council to the stop point!" The teacher yelled.

I feel a warm hand start petting my head, I could recognize this scent even without looking. A strong scent of collonge with a mix of bolognesse smell.

"Good luck." Then he walk away, I touch the top of my head and smile like and idiot.

And this idiot didn't notice that two of her friends smirking and giving a thumbs up. Natalya and Lili. Natalya... and Lili, smirking.





"So slow—" I mumbled. The fifth point were quite empty as the fourth runners haven't arrived yet. It has been one hour is the riddle that hard? The other group member were also bored. Among them, I spot that glasses guy. I forgot his name... Alfred—? he was talking to other class representative and whenever our eyes met he would glare as if he want to kill me.

Ignore.. Ignore..

"Yah—what took them so long, youngster these day are so lazy aru!" This chinesse student council grumbled. My seat was next to the riddle point, and next to him.

"Hey you! Say something! I am bored aru." He look at me.

I facepalm and look around, "U-uh.. hi?"

"Ni hao! OH—what's that!" I turn my gaze to where he's pointing. It's actually Ludwig. He was runing like crazy with red face and the stick is broken in half because of his grip. He came to the stop point desk, panting.

"What happen?!" I ask and hand him a mineral water. He took a big gulp and wipe his forehead, handing me the broken stick.

"Feliciano.. he's.. when Natalya arrive at his stop point, Feliciano got scared of her and start runing without recieving the stick. Both Natalya and Feliciano arrive at my stop point and we have a brief scolding to that dumpkoff. But thats not all of it, that dumpkoff has trouble answering the riddle so I was freezed for 30 minutes—"

"Wait! Why 30 minutes it should be—"

"That dumpkoff got the student council angry because his ramble of pasta sauce! Can you believe that?!" I pat his shoulder in pity.

"Aiya! Stop chit-chating and do the riddle—" Ludwig get up and do the riddle without trouble. At the time he finished, that Alfred's group were also finish. I start to run with that jock following close behind.


"HEY YOU-- !" I look behind and see the boy catching up. We were running side to side when all of sudden he put his feet in front of me making me fall face first.

"Goddammit!! You son of a--!" I curse and glare at the smirking boy.

"I warn you, didn't I?"

"So what?! You gonna bully me or something?! Just what the fuck is your problem you son of a bitch?" Alfred smirk.

"My problem is you. I can't allow a rat like you crawl around my Iggy. You are such a bitch, I saw you kiss Vargas and even flirt with Yao! You must be enjoying having guys around your fingers huh? But not me. Not my Iggy. I wouldn't allow that." He yelled right in my face, gripping my shoulder tightly.

I laugh..

"Are you done being a hero you think you are? Not that I care or anything, do as you like. You're just a brat with brother complex." I get up and dust some dirt on my pants.

He is a lot stronger, damn its gonna bruise. I need too—

Before I knew it, I've fall into the side cliff. The last thing I see is that prick shaking hands.


Lovino's POV

What took that idiota so long?

I paced back and forth in worry. The other representatives from fourth point are already here for fucksake.

"Hey you! Bloody hell, why hasn't your classmate arrive yet? It has been 45 minutes!" Said this british bastard with huge catterpillar.

I glare at him, "How would I know--! Be patient dammit!"

That bastard took out his clipboard and write down something. "Disqualified in 15 minutes, what's your classmate name? we can't have the other participant wait any longer."

"Y/N L/N." He stop writing and look at me in suprise.

"Wait, Y/N's here?" confused, I nod at him.

"Hey Alfred! Do you see Y/N on your way here?" There this other blonde bastard, he has this idiotic smile on his face and approach us.

"The dudette? No, I haven't see her." I stare at his attitude.


To be continue...

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