"And you are?" The blonde haired one asked, stepping forward. Justin snarled, a harsh, angry sound and stepped back, not letting him touch me as he reached out for me. "Do not touch her!" Justin hissed, his voice dripping with venom. The man bared his fangs, and the heat suddenly turned to ice. I choked, and my breath misted in front of me. The ice hurt. I wanted the heat back. Justin hissed back, and Amelie appeared in between them. "Something wrong Lukas?" she asked, her voice hinted at annoyance and anger. His fangs immedietely snapped back up and he stepped back. "No Founder," he mumbled, stepping back. Justin didnt relax until Amelie turned to face us, and my terrified eyes met hers. "Justin stop, you're hurting her," she said, and the warmth eveloped me again. I sighed in relief, and we went outside. I saw a black limo idling on the curb, and as we made our way down the steps, a man opened the driver's door and opened the back doors for us. We climbed in and he shut the door behind shut and the limo sped off.

Justin still hadn't let go of my hand yet, and I glanced down at our clasped fingers. I then looked at Amelie. Something about her was familiar. Then, I remembered what Lukas had called her. Founder.

"Oh my god!" I blurted, and the two vampires looked at me. "Amelie, a-am I in Morganville? Like, the book series Morganville Vampires?" I asked quickly, and Amelie frowmed. "What book series?" Oops. Sorry Rachel Caine. "Am I in Morganville?" I asked again, and Justin answered for me.


Amelie was sitting down behind her desk, and we sat down on leather chairs in front of her. She steepled her fingers together, and her cool eyes watched us. I shifted uncomfortably in my chair, feeling scared, and Justin quickly grabbed my hand again, and I relaxed instantly.

Amelie looked behind us, about two seconds before the doors opened again. I turned around at the same time as Justin to see four people walk in. Two boys and two girls. My heart almost stopped. It was Claire, Michael, Shane and Eve, the residents of the Glass House.

It was Shane who spoke first. "Okay, what have we done now? 'Cause I don't appreciate being woken up at two ******* am," he grumbled, running a hand through his long, shaggy brown hair, and Claire smacked him. "Hey!" he protested, and she glared at him. "Be nice!" she hissed at him. Michael watched them, amused as Eve leaned her head on his chest. She wasn't wearing any of her Goth makeup, and her black shaggy hair was sticking up in all directions. I let out a small giggle, and Michaels's blue eyes darted to my brown ones. I quickly stopped giggling and looked down. Justin squeezed my hand gently and I looked up at him. He smiled a little, and my heart fluttered, then pounded harder. Okay what the hell is happening to me??

"I agree with Shane, why did you wake us up this early? Couldn't it have waited until morning?" Claire asked, then stifled a yawn. I yawned myself, and rested my head on the back of the seat. I had just drunk a lot of hot chocolate, eaten five chicken sandwitches and two croissants. I was full, warm, contented and exhausted. "No, Claire, it couldn't." Amelie spoke, and I opened one eye to see her standing up. I opened both my eyes and stopped slumping when she walked over to me. "Stand up, child," she said, holding a hand out to me, but Justin quickly stood, pulling me up with him. I stumbled, and he caught me. My cheeks flushed scarlet and I mumbled a thank you. He squeezed me gently then released me. Amelie walked over to stand next to me and put her hand on my shoulder. "This is Natalie, she will be your fifth housemate," she said, and my head snapped to her.

The four studied me for a minure or so, and then Michael spoke. "She seems cool enough. Hey, I'm Michael Glass, I own the Glass House," he said, stepping forward and holding a hand out to me. I took it and shook, flinching at the coldness of his hand. He smiled gently before letting go and standing next to Eve, who stepped forward. I looked down and smiled slightly at her shoes. Bunny slippers with vampire fangs. "Cool shoes," I said quietly, and she grinned. "I know, right? Name's Eve Glass," she said, and surprised me when she hugged me. I hugged her back a little and she let go, walking back to Michael, who wrapped his arms around her. She nestled up to him, and looked up at him with nothing but love in her eyes. I looked away from them and started back a little when I realised Shane was in front of me. He chuckled. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. Name's Shane Collins, AKA hottest guy alive," he grinned and winked playfully. I gave him and small smile and giggled a little before accepting his handshake, then fistbump. I looked at Claire, who was still assessing me. "Rough day?" she asked softly, and walked towards me. My eyes pricked at the thought of Fawn, and I quickly blinked, trying to rid them. "Y-yeah," I managed to choke out, and she held her arms out for a hug. "I'm Claire Danvers," she said, letting go and stepping back to hold Shane's hand. My head was starting to hurt.

"Natalie," Amelie said, and I turned my head to look at her. I heard Eve, Shane, Michael and Claire suck in a breath. I glanced over at them, and saw they were staring at my neck. I quickly pulled my collar up, blocking the bite marks. Yes, I have more than one. "Go with them now. They will get you settled in." she said, and stepped back to sit down. "You may go," she said, and the doors opened. We all filed out, Justin by my side. "Wait," I said, coming to a halt. The others stopped too and looked at me.

"Justin, what about my bags?" I asked him, and he smiled softly.

"All taken care of," he said, and walked down the hall to the elevator. I wasn't feeling too good. The headache was getting worse, and I was starting to feel dizzy. I slowed down, and felt myself getting weaker. "Natalie?" Claire called, and I collapsed. I hit my head, hard, and I heard Justin yell my name before everything went black.

I opened my eyes to a blinding light, and groaned. I heard a gasp, and someone yell, "She's awake!" Before the door flew open a milisecond after and someone grabbed my hand. The familiar warm pulsing returned, abd my suspisions were confirmed when a hand brushed the hair out of my eyes. "Natalie?" Justin asked lowly, and I squeezed his hand gently to indicate I could hear him. He sighed, and his breath fanned over my face. I opened my eyes and slowly sat up, groaning as my head throbbed in pain. I looked around me to see a huge room. "Where am I?" I asked.

I was surprised when Myrnin said quiety, "Home."


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