Chapter 3: Change me

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Hiiii SOC is We R Who We R by Ke$ha x


Vampire's POV

I watched as the two girls sped out of the car shop and smirked. This was going to be fun. It's a good thing I'm good at acting. I pulled my black SnapBack down low to cover my face, and to also protect it from the sun. I then ran towards the car shop as fast as a human could. "Please, help me!" I yelled at a guy with the name tag 'Jake'. He looked up, alarmed and ran over to me. "Are you alright sir?" Jake asked. "Have you seen a girl with long, straight light brown hair and green eyes, she's around 5'4?" I asked. "She was supposed to meet me, but I saw her being yanked into a car by a blonde haired girl!"

"Actually, yes. A girl matched that description just came in here, she said her bane was Natalie and she-" Jake started, but I cut him off. "What kind of car did she get?"

"A black Range Rover." he replied. "Did they say where they were going?" I asked, pretending to be panicked and relieved. "No, but they went that way." Jane said, and pointed. "Oh my god, thank you so much!" I yelled, then raced back to my black Ferrari with blacked out windows. Natalie huh? Be prepared Natalie, cause I'm coming.

Natalie's POV

"Tonight we're going hard hard ha-ha-ha-hard, just like the world is our-our-our-ours, we're tearing it ap-par-par-pa-part, you know we're superstars, WE ARE WHO WE ARE!" Fawn and I screamed along to the radio. I didn't usually listen to a lot of Ke$ha, but I can't resist this song. It's awesome!

Fawn turned the radio down, and I protested. "We should probably check into a hotel soon, it's starting to get dark." she said. "Are you kidding me? We're in the middle of nowhere!" I exclaimed. Suddenly, something ran out in front of the car, and we both screamed. I stomped hard on the brakes, and we skidded. The animal raised its head, and I realised it was a wolf. A HUGE wolf at that! It had brown hair, and, even weirder, blue eyes. I just missed the wolf, and we screamed again as the car nearly flipped. The wolf darted away.

"HELL NO! I JUST GOT THIS CAR!" I yelled, and got the steering under control again. I braked hard, and we stopped, then stared at each other. "Oh. My. God." I said. Fawn nodded numbly. "Let's just... keep driving." I said, and started driving again.

About half an hour later, Fawn pointed. "Look! A motel!" she said. I pulled into the parking lot and braked. "Let's get some sleep, I'm knackered!" I said. We climbed out, pulling a suitcase each with us. We walked into the lobby and an old woman backed into the room, carrying a tray of baked cookies. They smelled heavenly. "Excuse me ma'am?" I asked. She jumped, turning around. "Howdy, how can I help y'all?" she asked, smiling warmly. She had sharp blue eyes, wrinkled skin, shirt grey hair and laugh lines around her eyes. "Can we have a room please?" I asked. She nodded, turning around and pulling a key with the number 4 on it. "Just sign here please." she said, pushing a book towards me. When she said 'sign', it sounded like 'sain'. She sounded like she was from Texas. I quickly scribbled my name into the book, and shoved it back. "All right, here, have these cookies, and get a good nights sleep now!" she said, putting the cookies into a green tin and putting the top on, then handing it to me, along with the key. "Thank you ma'am!" I said. The woman shook her head. "Honey, call me Maisy!"she said, smiling again. She was the kind of granny everyone wanted. "Okay Maisy." I said smiling, and me and Fawn went up to our rooms.

"I don't know about you Fawn, but I sure could do with a shower!" I said, throwing my suitcase on one of the two beds in the room. "Already ahead of you!" Fawn called from the bathroom. Shoot. "Hey!" I banged on the door. "I wanted in there!!" I protested. I heard Fawn blow a raspberry at me, and then the water turned on. I groaned and flopped down onto the bed. I guess I'm gonna have to wait. I reached for the remote and switched the TV on. Boring, boring, boring... Yes! The Big Bang Theory! I settled myself back on the pretty blue and purple quilt and turned the volume up. I kicked my shoes off and curled up, waiting for Fawn to finish.

In The Shadows (A Justin Bieber Vampire Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora