Chapter 10 - U.A Sports Festival

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Finally, it was time for the Sports Festival to begin. All the classes walked out, and I mean ALL classes, from 1-A to 1-K. Different courses, Hero; General Studies; Support, and Business courses.

Finally, once all the classes were outside, the R-Rated Heroine, Midnight, called up two people: Katsuki and Y/N. Said boys both came up onto the podium, and prepared their pledges.

Y/N: You're gonna say it, aren't you?

Bakugo: Damn right I am.

Y/N: Well, I ain't stopping you.

Y/N offered Bakugo a fist bump, in which he accepted.

Bakugo then turned to the microphone, and said his pledge.

Bakugo: I just wanna say...

Everyone in 1-A tensed at what he was gonna say.

Bakugo: ...I'm gonna win.

Next thing that happened, everyone was booing at him, mainly at Bakugo, but some also booed at Y/N, who, like Katsuki, didn't seem to care.

Y/N: You're serious about this, aren't you Bakugo?

Bakugo: Damn right I am. Best not hold back when I become number 1.

Y/N: You're on.

Then, it was Y/N's turn. Said boy then turned to the mic, and cleared his throat.

Y/N: All I have to say is this: All of us are different, with Quirks strong or weak alike. But know this: Just because you have a weak Quirk, or you're Quirkless, doesn't mean that you can't be a Hero. It is with perseverance, hard work and determination, that you can become a Hero, and don't let anyone tell you any different, for dreams can become reality!

Silence. That was all there was until there was a clap, then two, then four, eight, sixteen, thirty-two, sixty-four, and in time, the entire audience clapped, whistling, cheering, and squealing, mainly girls, for the young man's heart-moving speech. Though however, it was ruined by one certain bi-coloured teen, who came up onto the stage.

Todoroki: Sorry to burst your bubble, but I'll be the one to beat you in this tournament, demon.

That as a result, caused a lot of "Ooo's" in the crowd, as Y/N slightly growled.

Y/N: Why don't you shut yo Zuko lookin' candy cane wannabe ass up? Besides, you say you'll beat me with half your power, which is your ice, so I'm assuming you've got, what, daddy issues?


Todoroki slightly tenses at this, giving Y/N a cold glare, in which he just rolled his eyes, now facing off with Todoroki, eye-to-eye. The second after, Todoroki approached him, till their foreheads were touching. He would then use his forehead to try and force Y/N backwards, but Y/N then shoved him away, as to show that he's not giving up. A fight would have broken out, hadn't Cementoss separated them, by hands made of cement. He would then place the latter far from each other whilst in the group of 1-A, asking the class members to separate them.

In time, the first game was announced, which was an obstacle course. The rules was that everyone had to run around a track out of the stadium, and there were 3 stages: running, a drop, and a minefield. And as long as you were in the track, you could do whatever your heart desires, as said by Midnight.

Y/N, simply stretched, and took a few steps back, and decided to try out a new technique he made during his training with Madara. He squatted down, and concentrated, his body then swirling around with wind, and his muscles becoming more defined.

𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭: 𝐀𝐥𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐭 - 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐨 𝐀𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐚Where stories live. Discover now