Chapter 7 - USJ - Part 2

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Masked Man: Release the Nomu.

That said, the giant hulking bird creature from before, let out an unholy screech, and jumped towards Y/N, who was blinded by rage whilst facing his father's killer.

Masked Man:(sigh) Why did we let Brad come here again...? Oh wait, it was my idea.

The scene switches back to Y/N, in his werewolf form, and Brad, who is simply smirking.

Brad: So you wanna play with me puppy-dog? Fine. Let's play.

Brad then lets out an unholy roar, as he transforms into his 1st Beast State:

Brad then lets out an unholy roar, as he transforms into his 1st Beast State:

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Y/N simply stood his ground, ready to fight.

Brad: Come. And I'll show you what true power is.

That said, Y/N roared again, and charged at Brad, whilst everyone else watched in anticipation, as the two beasts clashed with each other, striking at one another.

Midoriya, Bakugo, Todoroki and Kirishima tried to intervene, but Kurogiri wouldn't let them, as he always blocked them with a giant mist, and teleported them back to where they came.

Y/N had been pushed onto the floor, having been overpowered by his foe.

At that, Mina had thrown some acid at Brad, burning him.

Enraged, Brad went to go and finish off Mina, but before he could, Y/N jumped in the way of his attack, causing the boy to attain a huge X scar on his chest.

Mina: Y/N!!!

Y/N then clenched his fist, and delivered a light enhanced punch to his foe's temple, causing an eye to pop out, and knocking him out.

At that, Kurogiri unleashed a giant vortex, that entrapped everyone, save for Brad, as he ends up warping 1-A to different areas, except for Y/N, as he ends up in the middle of the battlefield with Aizawa, where others are sent to areas such as the Landslide; Shipwreck; Fire; Windstorm, etc.

Y/N gets up, only to see Aizawa get one of his arms broken by the Nomu.

Y/N: Mr Aizawa!!!

Masked Man: Oh...what do we have here? The son of the No.3 Hero, in the flesh.

Aizawa: Y-Y/N...

Y/N: Why... why are you doing this...?

Masked Man: I had to go through the trouble of gathering so many friends to meet All Might, so I thought if I killed a few of you guys, he'd come and play.

Y/N groggily got up, as he stumbled towards the masked man.

Y/N: Y-You bastard...

Masked Man: Game start.

That said, the man rushed towards Y/N, who was clutching his bleeding chest, who got into a combat-ready pose, but Y/N simply jumped out of the way, evading the attack, as he reverts back to normal, too tired to continue fighting.

𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐣𝐞𝐜𝐭: 𝐀𝐥𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐭 - 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐨 𝐀𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐚Where stories live. Discover now