The Universe (For Readers)

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Y/N= Your Name


You know, I feel proud of the reader.

Yeah, same.

They never gave up. I like that.

And they were never afraid to try.

Yeah, and they-

Use their name.

Y/N was also never afraid to make new friends. They were far happy to make new friends everytime they could.

What's funny here is, they think that we're apart of the book.

As if we're just words on Wattpad.

And as if they thought that our words aren't real.

Yeah. That's what's funny.

You know, I think we should tell the reader.

Tell the reader who we really are.

We are the universe. No, not just any universe.

But we're your universe.

And we like you.

Because you never stopped dreaming, believing, trying and hoping. You never gave up.

You dreamed of being an adult. And sometimes, you got lost in that fantasy world. In your fantasy world.

You would walk on the green grass, seeing everyone happy.

And you would go to work.

And that dream didn't end.

That dream stopped itself. Why?

Because a new dream had to be created.

It repeats everytime, but no matter what, you, Y/N, never forgot them.

Yes, that's right. You never forgot your dreams.

You thought that every dream was precious and held onto them dearly.

And that's good.

You know, let me tell you a story about a reader.

You're not going to tell the truth.

i'll tell the truth, but not the naked truth that could damage their life.

Give the reader a life again.

Once there was a reader. The reader liked to do things. A lot of things.

However, Y/N was a coward.

But a coward that never lost hope.

A coward that realized how tough life would be if you lost hope.

And a coward that noticed a hole in their heart.

The hole had to be filled. But they didn't know what to fill it with.

Hope couldn't just fill it. It wasn't enough.

Should the reader fill it with Money? Fame? No!

They filled it with love, happiness and bravery. He reader filled their own heart with just two little things that were impossible to get.

But the reader got them. She managed to get them.

The reader got them by never losing hope.

By never losing hope in their friends.

By never losing hope in their family.

And by never ever losing hope in theirselves..

Y/N was the type of person that would find a way to figure out how to deal with problems.

the type of person that always talks.

The type of person who always dreams.

The type of person who is kind.

The type of person that was loved.

The type of person that was alive. And that person is you, Y/N.

Yes, we said it!

You are alive.

Take a deep breath until you realize it.

Until you realize that, you are indeed alive. Breathing. Those 1000 dreams that you had never ended.

Because you are still alive.

Back then, there was no such thing as Wattpad. No such thing as online books.

Back then, instead of reading, there were wars.

And there are still wars until now.

That is because wars are what some people dream of.

Be it any wars.

Wars for countries, wars for rights or war for religion. It doesn't matter. A war is when people don't have the same agreement.

When people don't have the same dreams, hopes.

And thankfully, Y/N.

You are not like them.

You will not be like them.

You will not get caught in the likes of them.

And they will not dare to even think about starting wars.

No one will ever start wars if everyone has the same hopes and dreams and not blinded by wants and nightmares. That's what the universe thinks.

And the universe wanted to say,

you are not alone

The darkness you fight is within you.

And the light that you seek is within you.

And you are not separate from every other thing.

And the universe said you are the universe tasting itself, talking to itself, reading its own code.

And the universe said I love you because you are love.

And the dream was over and the reader woke up from the dream.

And the reader began a new dream. And the reader dreamed again, dreamed better.

And the reader was the universe. And the reader was love

You are the reader, Y/N.

Wake up


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