Shy// Gleyber Torres

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It was a regular day at work for you. The diner you worked at never got too crowded so the day wasn't all that bad. You had new people come in and of course course a few regulars. They were all pretty nice to you, but there was one that always caught your attention. His name was Gleyber and he played for the New York Yankees. But that wasn't why you always took notice of him. It was because he was just always there. As long as there were home games, he'd stop by for lunch at least once or twice a week.
But he was never alone. He always came in with friends, sometimes the groups changed but he was always there, and he always left a generous tip. Normally you'd think that he may be trying to hit on you or something with the kind of money he left behind but he never really talked to you. There was no smooth or cheesy pick up line or flirtatious comment because, well, there wasn't really much of anything. He was sweet though. He always smiled when you came around, at times made a little polite conversation, and always made sure the table was in order before you even got a chance to clean up. After this goes on for who even knows how long, he finally begins to show up alone. "No buddies today?" You ask in a teasing manner. He smiles and shakes his head "No not today, they're all busy" you don't pester and just continue on to take his order. Soon a week goes by and there are still no sign of his friends. But for the first time you two actually start to talk to each other. It starts off by him talking about upcoming games and turns into the two of you learning more and more about each other each day. Gleyber is just as sweet as you'd imagine him to be but it was way different seeing him slowly break out of his shell like this. In fact, you were even a little disappointed when his friends returned. He was with his most common group, consisting of a few of his teammates, Aaron, Luis, Miguel, and Didi. He sneaks a smile over at you when his friends weren't looking. You may or may not have blushed when he did, and you may or may not have been realizing the huge crush you were developing for him lately. But you just returned the smile and waved over at him. You went around the tables taking orders and every now and then you saw his friends glancing over at you. They were usually a pretty rowdy group but today they were pretty quiet. You didn't think much of it and finally got to his table "Good afternoon, I'll be your server today. Ready to order?" You all knew each other but you just wanted to keep up the formality, especially with the new realization you just had. They all took the same formal tone, ordering quickly but when you walked away you heard what you could hear some hushed laughter coming from the table. When you came back with the drinks, you heard some whispering as well. You didn't want to be nosy but you couldnt help but overhear. "Just ask her" you heard Aaron say. "The worst she can say is no, she's a nice girl, she won't be too harsh even if she did" Didi added. "I don't know, maybe she'll think it's weird" Gleyber said shaking his head. You didn't know who he was talking about and frankly if it was about anyone else you didn't want to hear it so you just rushed over and handed out drinks. The conversation stopped as soon as you arrived. "Here you go" you said placing a drink in front of each of them. They all thanked you, Gleyber's voice just a tad bit softer than usual. Soon after you brought them their food and left them to eat. This time though, whenever you went to sneak a glance at Gleyber, his attention was never on you. He's probably talking about that other girl, you thought. I mean apparently she's really nice, you can't get mad at him for liking her right? Right?
You shook your head and continued your work. After about 20 minutes, you returned to their table. "Everything alright over here? Need anything else?" You asked they shook their heads. But Miguel spoke up "I think Gleyber said he wanted to ask for something." You saw the immediate look of terror in Gleyber's eyes. "Well if he wants he can just ask" you say "Yeah but he's very shy, he always likes to keep quiet" Luis says. "Ah I see, well what would you like?" You say looking at him. "I have to go to the bathroom I'll be back" Luis suddenly said. "Oh me too" Didi said taking his cue. Miguel pretended to search in his pockets. "I think I left my wallet in the car. Let me go look" he nudged Aaron. "Oh! I'm gonna go help him look." And with that they all leave Gleyber alone at the table. He smiles uncomfortably at you. "So... what would you like? Refill? Dessert?" He shakes his head "No I'm ok I changed my mind" "Alright, well let me know if you want anything, you know where to find me." He just nods and mutters a thank you. But as you walk away he calls back to you. "Wait. I want to ask for something" he says, you look over and see him fiddling with a napkin nervously. "You just said you don't want anything" you tease. This earns a small smile. "No I meant I want to ask you something" he doesn't make eye contact. "What is it?" "Well... I was wondering... if you'd like to go eat?" "I work at a diner, if I wanted to eat I would, besides I already took my lunch break" "I meant with me" "You're already eating" you say. He shakes his head "No, no I mean later, or tomorrow... for dinner. Like a... a date." "A date?" He nods "Would you go on a date with me?" He asks finally looking up at you. You smile. "I'd love to" his face lights up. "Really?" "Of course. In fact, how about you come by after tomorrow's game. I know you're probably tired of the food but I get an employee discount" you explain "I can't say no to that" he laughs.
You couldn't even pretend you weren't excited as you left the table. And sure enough within minutes, the whole crew reassembled at the table, and once Gleyber told them the news, they all gave him a high five, or a pat on the back, and even an "I told you so" like a bunch of school boys. You just smiled and shook your head, watching them for a few moments before you went back to work. When you got back to their table for the check you handed it to Gleyber and wrote him a little note on the bottom, "See you tomorrow :)" You know the guys all see it because you hear the ooo's coming from them a few tables away and glance over to see a bashful Gleyber being teased by his friends. It was adorable. And to top it all off, when you went to pick up the check after the boys left, you saw Gleyber's little note "Can't wait :)" and you couldn't either.
The next day, you were just counting down the minutes and hours until your date with Gleyber. When your shift finally came to an end, you ran off to the bathroom to get changed. You wore a simple, casual dress and left your hair down. You told your co-worker about what was happening, and they were almost as excited as you "Took you guys long enough, I was almost tired of seeing you make googly eyes at him for all these weeks" and they were fully supportive and agreed to serve you two tonight, and provide as much privacy as possible.
Finally the game was over, the Yankees won and it was finally time for your date. You sat at your table to wait for Gleyber. Your coworker led him to where you were  sitting and your heart practically melted as soon as you saw him. He was dressed in jeans and a button down shirt and walked in with a bouquet of flowers.  "Hi... these are for you" he smiled. You could tell he was nervous but you just pretended not to notice and figured he'd ease up after a while. And it did take quite a while, but soon enough you could tell he was starting to feel more comfortable with you.  You two talked just like you did before and you realized that things between you and Gleyber weren't going to be much different than before. You two had just as much chemistry when you were simply a waitress and customer as you did here on your first date. And you couldn't be happier about that. The date was everything you hoped it would be, and Gleyber turned out to be even more of a sweetheart than you thought. He kept asking you a bunch of questions and gushing about his favorite things when you asked and he even slipped in a few compliments here and there. You certainly weren't afraid to return them. The night was amazing, even in the back of this little diner. Unfortunately the night inevitably had to come to an end. Gleyber, being the adorable gentleman he was walked you to your car, even though it was only a block away. "I had a lot of fun tonight" Gleyber says when you get there. "Me too" you say happily. "You know, I had a crush on you for a long time. I was really embarrassed but-" "Don't be. I had one too" this earned one of his famous bashful smiles. "That's why I came in all the time. Everyday I would think of something to say to you but I was always too scared to say anything. And you were always so nice to me it made me feel stupid for being afraid." "Well to be fair, I'm nice to everyone, it's part of my job" you teased. He shook his head and laughed "I guess I was wrong then. I should be scared" "Maybe, but not for now." There was another small laughter shared between you.  "I'm glad someone stepped in, because I don't think I could ever have been brave enough to ask a girl like you out on my own" you blushed. "I'm glad someone did too. Because I don't think I'd be lucky enough to get a guy like you to ask me out otherwise." Now it's his turn to blush. You place a hand on his shoulder and give him a kiss on the cheek. "Goodnight Gleyber. Thank you for tonight, it was amazing." You open up your door. "Next time will be better. I'll take you somewhere fancy" he grins.  "I can't wait" you laugh as you get into your car. You wave to him one more time before you leave. You weren't one to jump to conclusions but you had a feeling that this was the beginning of something special. And you had to admit, tonight you were thankful for shy boys and their rowdy friends.

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