Fever//Tyler Wade

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I know that he's not technically in the majors anymore but I started writing this a long time ago, based on that time he got a fever and had to be taken out the game. And I love Tyler anyway so if anyone has any requests for him I'll still write it. And I'm learning more about the minor league players so maybe I can write about them too if anyone wants.

Not Requested
     You watched as the announcers talked about him. How something was off but they couldn't quite tell what it was. And you immediately grew worried, not taking your eyes off the screen. The game was a mess with two players already taken out for one reason or the other, you just shook your head when Tyler was the next one. No one knew what happened to him but they speculated an injury. You hoped that wasn't the case and just waited for him to get home.
     You waited for what felt like hours until you heard the door open. You didn't say anything and just waited for Tyler to let himself fall on the couch in the seat next to you. "Hey babe. Everything alright?" You asked looking over at him. He sighed. "They took me out" you smiled. You were here worried sick about whether or not something horrible had happened and all he cared about was playing. So at least you knew things couldn't be that bad. "Well what happened. Did you get hurt?" You ask. He shook his head. "No I'm fine. I totally could've finished the game" "Aw I'm sure you could've. But they wouldn't take you out for no reason you need to be careful." You say "I know. But I'm fine. Really" he says that but the tired look on his face, hoarse voice and the stuffy nose said otherwise. "You sure?" He nods but his eyes are already closed. You place a hand on his forehead. "I think you've got a fever Ty. Maybe even the flu" he shakes his head. "No I'm just tired and it's cold out there." "Yeah I know which is probably part of the reason you're sick. Why don't you take a shower and go to bed?" You say in a soft voice. "Will you be there?" He asks. "If you want me to. I'll even make you something to eat if you're hungry. Want some soup?" "No thanks I'm not hungry" he said, his voice was getting softer so you knew he was getting even more tired. "Ok well go take a shower then, you need some rest." Tyler just nodded and got up to do as you said.
     While you waited you got Tyler some water and after over hearing him throw up in the bathroom you made him some toast and set them down by his side of the bed. After about 20 minutes he comes out and drags himself to bed. "Hey" he says "Hey" you give him a sympathetic smile. "I made you some toast. I know you're not hungry but you should eat something" once again he does as you say and takes some medicine right after. He's finally given in. If it were anyone else he'd keep up the act but since it was you, he let himself be babied and stopped pretending he was ok. He laid down and curled up under the covers while you played with his hair. He started to fall asleep so you decided to clean up and go back to the living room for a while. Just as you were about to leave you heard Tyler's faint voice "Where are you going?" "I was gonna put this stuff in the kitchen. And I was gonna go watch some tv for a little while to let you fall asleep." You explained. "Are you coming back soon?" He asked "Well I was gonna let you fall asleep so you probably won't even know when I get back." You say "Don't go" he says and you can practically hear the pout in his voice. You feel bad but it makes you smile. "But you need to rest Ty" "I know. But I rest way better when you're here." You roll your eyes. "Come on you'll be fine. Bedsides you might get me sick" you go to leave but you hear him again "Come on you don't even have to touch me or anything. I'll even turn the other way. Just come back to bed. Please." You had to admit, you didn't like seeing him sick but it was adorable. So you gave in. "Fine. I'll be back" you say. You wash the dishes and make your way back to your room.
      When you get there Tyler already has his back turned to your side, not wanting to get you sick. You smiled and took your place in bed. "Are you still awake?" You asked softly. He nodded. "Feeling better?" He shook his head "Not really but I'll live" you smile "Aw I'm sorry Ty" you say as you reach over to run your fingers through his hair, hoping it will at least comfort him a little. There is a long silence between you two but it isn't uncomfortable. Instead it's more peaceful and relaxing. "Thank you" Tyler says breaking the silence. "For what?" You ask "For taking care of me" he says in a soft voice. "Of course, you know I'll always take care of you" "I know. I love you. That's why I wanted you to stay. I know I'm being annoying but I just like to be near you" your heart practically melts at that. "Baby you're not annoying. You know I always like being with you. I love taking care of you because I love you. And I hate seeing you suffer. Now I think we should both get some sleep ok. Goodnight Ty" you lean over and place a soft kiss on his cheek. You hear him mumble goodnight back as you pull up the covers. It doesn't take long for either of you to drift off to sleep.

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