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"Ok. Let's see who you REALLY are." Hoseok smirked, opened the soju bottle then handed it to me.

Yoongi giggled, already on his way down to his true sub self.

"I hope I'm not an insufferable Dom like you are, Hyung." I snarked back, grinning.

"Aish", Hoseok growled at me." Shut up and drink, hoe."

I flipped him off as I lifted the bottle up and chugged it. By the time I finished my second bottle, I was feeling light. Like I didn't have a care in the world, forgetting that I wasn't the only one in our living room. My face was flush and I had the strange urge to submit. Well, ok it didn't feel all that strange. It feel right.

"So how do you feel pup?" Yoongi asked me from where he was sitting on the couch.

Before I knew what was doing, was on the floor in front of Yoongi baring my neck to him and whimpering in complete submission. I heard and felt Hoseok stand up from the other couch and take a step towards. I whimpered, cowering trying to make myself even smaller and more submissive. That was enough to sober up Yoongi and Hoseok, who was already sober.

"Well fuck." They cursed.

"What should we do with him?" Hoseok asked Yoongi, about to take another step closer to me but steps back when I whimper.

"Well obviously since you can't get near him right now. I should see if we can get him to his room to sleep it off. Thank God we didn't get him drunk any where else." Yoongi said shaking his head in disbelief.

"Right." Hoseok nodded.

"Kookie" Yoongi cooed at me. I looked up at him then quickly looked away, showing Yoongi that I heard him. "Kookie could you please go to your room and go to sleep in your bed to sleep off the alcohol for hyung? Tell me that you understand Kookie."

"Yes, hyung I understand." I said quietly then got up from the floor and quickly went to bed. I fell asleep immediately.

"Hyung what just happened? Is that even possible? He was even submissive to you another sub?!" Hoseok whispered, freaking out.

"I don't know! This is the first time I've ever heard or SEEN something like this!" Yoongi whispered back, freaking out as well.

Hoseok sighed. "Well this is gonna be a bitch for him tomorrow."

Yoongi snorted. "You can say that again."


I woke up the next morning with a slight headache. I groaned then sat up. I took my time accessing myself to see if there were any marks left from last. And that's when it hit me. I was a sub and not only that I was submissive to Yoongi. I flopped back down, grabbed another one of my pillows from my bed and screamed into it. Hoseok and Yoongi ran into my room alarmed.

"What the fuck is going on here?!" Yoongi shouted.

I pulled the pillow from my face and hugged it, looking at them. "I just remembered last night."

"Oh." They both became awkward.

"Ah. Well just know it doesn't change our opinion of you." Hoseok said gently.

"Yeah. We all know you can still kick Hobi's ass." Yoongi chuckled.

"Yah!" Hoseok said offended.

I laughed. "Thanks you guys."

"No problem. Though we think you should look up what the fuck you are" Yoongi hinted at the last part.

I sighed and put the pillow down. "Yeah, you right."

"Damn straight I am." Yoongi called back as he pushed Hobi out of my room and closing the door behind him.

I grabbed my phone from the nightstand beside my bed and scrolled through google. For the most part, almost everyone had never heard of what I was and after a good fifteen minute search I found an old looking website. Kinda like if you were in an old library and found an ancient-looking tome. I glimpsed through it and discovered that I was an extremely rare kind of submissive. Rarer than switches, which by way weren't all that rare. I mean they are rarer than doms and subs but you usually hear a switch choosing to be just one or the other. I never really understood why. But apparently I was a type of submissive called an omega.



AN: sorry about going off on a tangent towards the end 😅

I hope you enjoyed it so far and that it's not complete and utter trash.

Have a wonderful day. 😸

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