
The Next Day

"Jahseh!" Lauren yelled my name.

I came out the kitchen from washing the dishes and walked into the bedroom. Lauren was in bed watching Maury and holding Miracle who was now awake.

"Wassup" I said.

"Can you bring me another pack of breath milk? She's been hurting my nipple."

I smirked, "Yea, hold on."

I was getting her milk out the fridge when I heard a knock on the door. "I got it!" I yelled to Lauren.

I opened the door and saw Robyn standing there with a travel outfit on. "Hey" she said.

"What's up?"

"I came to see Lauren before I left. Is she home?"

"Baby, who is that at the door?" Lauren called from the back.

Robyn had a worried look on her face. She knew that when Lauren saw her, she wasn't gonna be too pleased.

"Someone's here looking for you!"

I quickly went and stood by the bedroom door wanting to hear everything that was gonna go down.

Lauren's P.O.V

When I saw Robyn at the door, I wanted to do what I didn't have the chance to do to her that night, but I had just given birth so that wasn't safe.

"Robyn, I swear to God, if you're hear tr-" I was cut off.

"Can you calm down?" She slightly raised her voice which pissed me off more.

"Calm down? How bout you leave my house!" I tried to close the door but she puts her foot in to stop it from shutting.

"I'm not here to start any mess. I felt bed for what I let happen and I came to say I'm sorry."

"Oh are you, now?" I rolled my eyes.

"Look I know I can be a bitch sometimes." I looked at her crazy, "Okay most of the time but I'm truly sorry. I never should've try to come in between you two. The fact is I was just jealous."

She was jealous? Robyn's like one for the most prettiest bad most conceited girls on school campus. "Jealous?"

She sighed, "I know, it sounds unbelievable. Me and my boyfriend, well my ex boyfriend was going through a tough situation and we weren't the perfect couple at the moment and when I saw the way you and Jahseh were together.....it's like you two were made for each, which you are. I'm one of the most prettiest girls on campus and when I realized that I couldn't have him, and he kept ignoring me over you, I wanted something like that."

"So you tried to turn me and Jahseh against each other so you could have him?" I folded my arms.

"I didn't mean to, well I actually did but I feel awful. I get it. I am, mean but I don't need this being thrown up in my face."

I lifted my eyebrow, "You don't? Look, just because your relationship didn't work out doesn't mean you get to come and be mean to me or others."

Robyn sighed, "Don't you think I know that?"

"No, I don't."

She rolled her eyes, "Lauren, just please know that I am really sorry. And I also hope your baby enjoys her gift. I have to go." She was about to turn around and walk off.

I dropped both of my arms to the side of me, surprised when she said gift, "Gift? What gift?"

She turned around, "The baby gift I got for your baby", she noticed that I still didn't know what gift she was talking about, "The pink and yellow blanket? I gave it to Jahseh to give to you. I was going to come to the shower but I figured you didn't want me there so I thought I'd send it through Jahseh."

I was totally surprised and touched. Maybe she did mean well and meant her apology, "That was from you?" She nodded in response, "Robyn I- I don't know what to say except-"

She smiled, "Don't mention it. It's the least I could do for being such a bitch to you."

"Robyn, thank you and I- I do except your apology." I was struggling with my words. I couldn't believe that after all these months of her mean mugging me whether I was around Jahseh or by myself, that we'd even come to amends. "And I really hope you do find someone that loves you just as much as you love them."

She nodded, "Me too." She turned around and left while I closed the door.

"Okay Jahseh, you can get away from the door!" I yelled from the living room.

He walked in and wrapped his arms around me, "Jahseh, why didn't you tell me she bought Miracle that blanket, I'd never thought she ever do something nice like that."

"Because you'd probably throw it away or something if I told you who it came from."

"No I wouldn't. That really touched me."

He kissed my forehead, "So does this mean y'all cool?"

"Woah! I never said that. Maybe in the future if I ever see her again. But right now, I just wanna focus on Miracle and you." I gave him a soft kiss on the lips.

"I'm so glad I have you." He said. I wrapped my arms around his neck and we made out for a while til we heard baby Miracle began to cry.

I laughed, "Well that's our que. We better go." I grabbed him by the hand and we went into the room. I picked Miracle up and gave her, her bottle that I picked up from the kitchen which made her cease.

"I can't believe I'm a mother." I said as I rocked her gently in the rocking chair that was now on the side of my bed.

"Well you're doing good already and it's only been a week." He sat down in a chair next to me."

"Thanks, so are you. Ya know, maybe when we get older and have more decent jobs, we can have more children."

He kisses my cheek, "You know I'm down."

I rocked her til she fell asleep. I put her in her crib and put the blanket Robyn that got us over her. Me and Jahseh watched her for a few moments while she slept. He reached over and grabbed my hand while we admired the beauty of our baby Miracle. The baby made us realize that we could no longer live without each other even if we tried. All the hell we've been through at the end was now over but I knew we had more to come but as along as we had each other the connection between us would never fade...........

                            ~The End~


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