Chapter 3

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"So what's on your schedule today Piper?!" I ask Piper while she's in the bath.

She gets out, gives me  a crazy fun look and she shouts "surfing."

"Your pretty excited about it. I mean have you ever done it before??"

"You don't have to do it before it can excite you Kylie. Besides, there's always a first time to everything."

"Well if it doesn't work out today, you can always join me in swimming. It's literally almost the same thing."

"It will work out Kylie" she says. "Stop being such a pessimist."

"I'm not trying to be one. I just want you to be safe that's all. You know how I feel about the sea."

"Yh I know. I'll be careful. And don't you have somewhere to be this morning?? Why are you still in bed??"

"I'll be out soon enough. I'm just trying to plan the day."

"The day doesn't plan itself in bed Ky. Get your ass out of there." she says moving towards me. "Or I'll make you get up." she grabs a pillow and smashes it in my face. Not once but twice.

"Wtf Piper. I'm up alright." I get out of the bed and get into the bath.

After about 15mins I'm out and I get dressed. I've got to be in the theatre hall in 20.

It's 8:10am now. Piper gives me a kiss and she heads for the beach while I put on some makeup, a gray crop top and some blue jeans with a pair of  sneakers. Something simple. I don't want to exaggerate things on the first day you know.

I head on out

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I head on out. It's bright outside. Sweet breeze. I love it. I guess I'll miss it. I never thought I would.

So I get into the theatre. There's a lot of cute guys omg. It's sad Piper isn't here with me. I hope there are cute boys at the beach too. Fuck yeah there are cute guys there obviously. Maybe even cuter boys. I mean, it's the beach.

I walk in and have a seat. I fidget with my phone, browsing and liking pictures on IG. Then the instructor comes in and welcomes us all. He says we should begin with some role play.

He points at me and tells me to come up. As I move up stage I see him point at a guy from across the hall. It's that cute photographer from yesterday. 


"Your a passionate lover whose husband had been long gone for years now and he is back for you." the instructor says to me.

"And you are the passionate lover who left your wife to work for money and now that you are successful, your back for her" he says to the cute guy.

"Now I want you to act and make it real. You haven't seen each other for about three years. ACTION!!" he says to both of us.

"Hii!!" he says to me in a low voice. "it's Kylie right?!"

"Yh" I say with a low voice as well. "I didn't get your name yesterday tho." I say a little shy.

"It's Jake" he says.

"uh uhmm..." the instructor clears his throat. "we can't get you guys. A little louder please"

"uh yh sure. Sorry about that." I say humbly.

We begin our role play with a lot of random words. It's going on well until it gets really deep.

"I've missed your tight pussy baby. I've missed your perky tits and your moans when I struck you hard" Jake says this looking right into my eyes like the words coming out of his mouth aren't hard to say.

I really don't know what to say but I know have to play along so I just say what comes up in my mind. I've not really been one for dirty talks tho.

"I've missed your hard cock. The way your cum fills my mouth and the way you rock my body so good babe. I....." I can't even finish saying what I have to say because I'm interrupted by Jake's lips on mine. It's soft and smooth and tastes sooo good.

His hands on my waist. My hands around his neck and a sweet sensual kiss. God it feels so good.

Nobody expected us to go that far. After a moment of silence, everyone starts cheering and clapping for us and as ever so gently as possible, Jake pulls himself away from me.

I can't believe I just kissed a guy I met only yesterday.

His brown eyes hit mine and I feel this twirl in my stomach. I don't know what it means.

We both smile at each other. What the fuck just happened.

"It wasn't just role play babe" he says to me with a sexy smirk on his face. "I'll see you around." then he gets off the stage. I walk down as well......

"WAKE UUUUUUUUUUUUUUPPPPPPP" Piper yells. "Wake up Kylie your gonna be late for your first day at the theatre."

Wtf. Major fuck. It was all a dream. This shit ain't funny. How can something so real be a fucking dream.

I get out of bed. Piper's already set for the beach. She makes up her bed and she's good to go.

"I'll see you soon Ky" she says as she shuts the door. "Have fun bitch."

Fun...yh right.

                                                 * * * *

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