Chapter 10: Final Battle + Epilogue

Start from the beginning

        "I'll be doing what I should've done before." Kai said as he showed Shifu specific chi orbs from his belt. "Your greatest enemies will be taking a special part in my plan. Soon, Master Shifu," He emphasized his name; he had never used it before. "Soon, the world will be witness to the greatest battle ever known."


"Shh! Guys! Do you hear that?" Po halted immediately; everyone positioned themselves defensively. They heard what sounded like trees falling. They couldn't see anything past the thick tree layers, then the sound stopped.

Then from above them, a giant green dragon appeared, roaring and tearing trees back. It breathed green fire at them, but they moved out of the way.

"It's Ke-Pa!" Tigress exclaimed before she dodged another fire blast.

"He's more powerful in this form! Defeating him won't be easier." Po exclaimed.

"Then use your chi powers! You're the most experienced with it." Tigress reasoned.

'Oh right!' Po thought, smacking his forehead. He stretched his hand out, and it glowed. But it had next-to-no effect on the dragon, as it continued spewing fire. "Wait. What am I supposed to do?"

"Send him back to the Spirit Realm!" Everyone else shouted simultaneously. Ke-Pa furrowed his expression and blasted at Po before he could do anything. Tigress -with a boost from Mantis- jumped high up and chi-powered-punched Ke-Pa, knocking him aside a little. He roared as he nearly fell.


Kai heard the roar and grinned. "The time is near." He mumbled. "Your students are up against Ke-Pa. If you have any hope of surviving, then you had better hope they stand a chance" Kai told Shifu.

Then at random, Kai noticed a flaw in his plan (because I actually noticed this just now). "Now that I think about it, keeping you in this form when they arrive may be too risky."

And judging by the concerned look on Shifu's face, Kai knew that Shifu knew what he was talking about.


        Po recovered off the ground and immediately knew he couldn't defeat jombie Ke-Pa by thrusting his hand at him; he'd have to summon his "big gun." So Po rushed behind a tree so he could focus. He summoned the chi to his hands swayed his arms and legs, performing the Inner Peace "dance." 


"What's Po doing?" Mantis asked when he saw Po seemingly retreat.

Then a giant chi explosion erupted, knocking everyone onto their backs. Po's friends (the officers weren't enough; their guns didn't work, and the didn't know Kung Fu)(Chief Bogo stays alive)

Everyone looked up in curiosity, but Ke-Pa got up and roared at it. But he quickly shut his mouth at what he saw.

Master Po in his chi master regalia, and his chi dragon. (What's supposed to make this epic is that it's happening outside the Spirit Realm.)

         Ke-Pa got over his fear and shock, and shot fire at Po. Po grinned and spread his arms. The fire hit him, but didn't affect him. The chi dragon was now a fire chi dragon. Po laughed his typical laugh, and thrusted his hands forward; fire shot out from the chi dragon. Ke-Pa thought quickly and retaliated. Their fire met in the middle, and each side struggled to overcome the other.

"He's holding him! Let's help him!" Monkey said to his other kung fu friends. The others ran towards the preoccupied evil dragon in hopes of using chi to weaken it, but were swept away by his tail.

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