Chapter 10: Final Battle + Epilogue

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Po, Shifu, the Furious Five, and sets of police officers stealthily sneak through the woods around where they think/know Kai is hiding. The police were armed with chi destabilizer guns.

"Wait, where'd we get these?" One asked.

Because continuity.

"Don't think it matters. They look useful." Another replied.

"Wait a minute." Po called as he turned around and observed the officers. "There are fewer than before."

"Po, I'm right here." Mantis tapped him in his shoulder.

"No I know. Look, there are fewer officers than what we started out with."

"Oh you're right. Where'd the other one go?" Mantis asked.

Po made a mistake by turning his back, because once he turned back around -as he was looking around- Shifu was gone; that set him off.

"Master Shifu!" He yelled.

The others shushed him as to not attract any unwanted attention.

"Po, look!" Mantis said as he jumped to the ground and picked up Shifu's flute.

Po took it from Mantis and looked at it for a second. He gripped it tighter and looked forward. "Cmon. We better hurry."


Shifu and the officers that were taken woke up strapped with chains around poles. They tried struggling, but couldn't break free.

Shifu then exclaimed, "Who else knows better to work with metal than-"

"Lord Shen?" Shifu heard Kai's voice, and the captured officers' scared whimpers. "You were going to say Lord Shen-" They then saw Kai jump down from the roof and land in front of Shifu. "Weren't you?"

"How does he have anything to do with this?" Shifu asked.

        "He doesn't." Kai shrugged with a grin. "Mostly." He finished before summoning Lord Shen from his chi belt. Shifu's jaw dropped slowly, in shock. "These minions might not talk much; but, they have their ways of communicating. That's how I came to learn the use of all the junk in this uh, w-w-ware? What is it?" Kai forgot for a moment. "Warehouse!" He laughed. "I lost the word there."

"You captured us didn't you?" Shifu interrogated.

"So?" He asked.

"You could've taken us then and there. Why didn't you?" Shifu pressed on.

. . .

"You appear to have an army strapped to yourself; you could've used them."

        "Because I won't be there with them." Kai growled, edging a jade blade against Shifu's neck. "The panda has been known to have found his ways around my armies, and could possibly take advantage yet again. I would have to be there with them, but I have to remain here to make sure you don't escape."

"You have me. Why don't you take my chi?" Shifu wondered.

Kai just laughed, then answered, "No no no. I'm not doing the same plan over again. I'm going to lead them here, then I'm going to take your chi." He paused for a dramatic effect. "Then I'm going to destroy it. Right. In front of. His eyes."

Shifu became concerned, but had faith in Po. "They will stop you! No matter what, you will lose."

        Kai chuckled again. "I don't think so. I have it all planned out, and forseen. Once I kill you, I'll kill him next." Kai pointed to where Lord Shen pulled a sheet back and revealed Nick chained to a chair which was bolted to the floor.

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