Chapter 1

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"Cheryl!" my mum shouted from the kitchen window. I sighed and placed my book on the garden table. I never got any peace when my family were home, all I would hear is 'Cheryl do this' or 'Cheryl do that' and that's without the drama from my younger sister. 

"Cheryl I won't ask twice!" I heard again.

I rose to my feet and called my dog to follow me inside. Walking in to the kitchen I saw my mum with a letter. She handed it to me 'it's for you'. I was shocked I never got post or texts or snapchats for that matter. I ripped open the envelope and slowly read it, taking it all in. 

"Oh my God" I exclaimed. My heart stopped, literally.

"well go on then spill the beans"my mum replied looking slightly worried.

"I got in!" I turned to face my mum "I did it mum, I did it" 

"I knew you'd do it" 

Relief ran through me, I couldn't believe I had gotten in. They only accepted 30 people every year but now I had a bigger problem.

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