Our Song

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Simon was sad.

"I think Jace wants to break up with me." He said when he went grocery shopping with Maia.

"What?" Maia's voice was high pitched. But Simon was wallowing in sadness and self-pity, so he didn't notice. "No, why would you say that?"

"I don't know..." Simon said. "He's been...weird. He's not at the bar when I go and see him, even though he told me he'd be there. He's spacey. Like he...he has a lot on his mind. I am the spacey one. Once I asked him to give me his phone 'cos mine was dead and I wanted to call you, he told me his was dead too, even though I saw him using it."

Maia shook her head and muttered something about stupid blondes. "I'm sure he's just...stressed. You know how he is."

"Yeah." Simon said, sadly. "That's what I thought and I thought I could help him take his mind off it, you know? And he turned me down. Jace never turns down sex. Never!"

"I didn't need to know that." Maia said, choking. "But you guys have been dating since-since forever, maybe he needs a break."

Simon gave her a dirty look. "A break from sex? Or from me?" his eyes widened. "What if he's found someone else? Oh my God! What if it's a girl? I knew he would leave me for a girl one day. I knew he was out of my league. What if he just realized that and he wants to leave me for someone more...Oh God!" He stopped and started hyperventilating.

"Hey, calm down." Maia held his hand and squeezed. "I promise he is not leaving you for a girl. Jace loves you. I'm sure he has a perfectly good explanation for his behavior."

"You think so?" Simon asked. "I know I am a worrier, but I have a good reason this time. I love him and I don't think I can live without him."

"Jesus, Lewis, calm down." Maia said. "If you start panicking now, I'll be forced to hit you and you remember what happened the last time."

That memory made Simon laugh. Jace had gotten so mad at Maia that he had asked her if she wanted to go outside and hit someone her own size. Granted, he was a little drunk because he was a lot bigger than she was and it took Alec holding him down and Simon assuring him that he was fine before he grudgingly apologized to Maia for freaking out.

"He wouldn't have hit you, you know?" Simon said, "He's just protective of me. I don't know why, I can take care of myself."

"Yeah, sure." Maia sighed in relief. She had managed to avert the crisis that was a Simon Lewis panic attack. She hoped Jace knew what he was doing, because she wasn't sure how much longer she could keep Simon in the dark. It wasn't as if she even knew what Jace was planning either. She just agreed to keep Simon occupied for a while. And only because Jace begged her.

"Why do you need so much sugar, Simon?" she asked, when she saw Simon toss half a dozen more frosted pop tarts into the trolley.

"Hey," Simon said, "I may soon be dumped, I need my comfort food."

Maia sighed again. "You are not-" Why did she bother? "At least it's not alcohol."

"That's where we're going next." Simon said. "I'm getting tequila."

Great. Maia thought. Just great.


"Do I want to know?" Jace asked he came back home to find Bat and Simon singing drunkenly. Maia rolled her eyes.

"Thank God, you finally showed up." She pulled him into the kitchen. "How long is this surprise going to take? What exactly are you doing? He thinks you are either cheating or you are going to dump him."

Just The Two Of Us (Jimon) Vol.  1Where stories live. Discover now