Chapter 19

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The fun-filled drive we had minutes ago had turned into a freakish feeling.

We were now in Stardom, outside my mom's huge office doors.

I could hear her screaming and arguing with other people inside so we were forced to wait.

Moments passed and the door was opened with a bang.

"GET OUT!" my mom screamed.

She chased them out and she looked super pissed. I mean her hair was a mess, her glasses were falling, and her face was red.

When she saw us, she quickly straightened up and composed herself.

"Why, hello kids! Come in." she said with a smile.

I looked at them one by one and worked up the courage to walk to my mom's office. When we were all inside, she sat at her chair before her desk and we in the sofas.

"Ms. Subarashi, as promised, you get your scholarship." mom said as she handed Cha an enveloped.

"About that," I started, "Chariza, what's this scholarship all about? I thought you pay for your own tuition?

She didn't answer my question so I looked at my mother.

"Have anything to say to Chariza, about Coastline?" I asked her with a serious face.

"Lexa, I want you to gather every student in the hall tomorrow at 10:00." she said while fixing her bun.

"What for? I said classes were suspended for a week, it has only just been 3 days." she said confused.

"Tell them not to wear their uniform. Tell them it is a must to attend." my mom said.

She stood up from her chair and walked in front of Cha.

"But Chariza, promise me you won't freak out when you hear the news, okay?"

Lexa nodded.

"Because of the damage here at Stardom, the committee decided that all students, including you four, must go to Coastline Academy for the being occupied by the reconstruction of the school."

I looked at Cha who was silently processing what my mother said.

"If you're not going to freak out, which is very mature, you must enroll and attend class there starting next Monday, understood?"

"Yes ma'am" Cha said.

"Very well then," mom said while walking to the door. "I'll leave you kids to finish business here"

"And, son, remember to lock my office when youre done."

We were silent for a bit but then Cha and Bella started to freak out.

"No Freaking way!"

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