Chapter 25

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Tyler's PoV

When that guy left us, Chariza continued to shoot deadly glares at me.

"Now speak!" she said, in a harsh tone.

"B-But le-et me-e go-o, fir-rst!" I said while choking.

She threw me down to the floor.

"Speak, or do I have to beat the crap out of you?" she said,

"Fine, fine, you got me!" I said, while I raised my hands up, "I heard them talking in the border wall"

"And why should I trust you?" she said, I can't see her face but I'm pretty sure that one of her eyebrows are raised

"It's really simple," I got up without a care.

"H-hey! Stay down!" she shouts in frustration.

I stood up and went near her ear and said the words that I should have said a long time ago.

"Because I still like you. I changed myself for you, I changed my habits for you, I-"


"Never want to see your face ever again!" She shouted as I fell on the cold. hard ground again.


I heard the door shut closed.

Little did I know those words will change everything

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