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Rokuro Enmadou Amawaka
Wielder of Byakko
Apperance is on top
His hair is he has long bangs but short haired.
The color is like the first picture bit he keeps his natural hair color too.
His is like Seigens but the lines are red.
His apperance is like the previous pictures with the mask and jacket but imahing the jacket on top of his onmyouji suite.
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Narrator Pov
As Mayura says "Rokuro-kun are you ok" everyone faces the said stranger.
Suddenly silence filled the air, the said figure slowly lifts his hands towards his face and removes his mask, as his hand slowly goes down everyone (except Mayura) gasp at the figure. The said figure was really Rukoro (discription on top).    Suddenly Rokuro talks
Mayura Im ok..
I know this is sudden but why dont all of you transfer to another room I will explain everything.
*Can I help? ask Mayura
Yes you can (smiling)
Seigen Pov
"Rokuro-kun are you ok"?
When I heared those words from Mayura I cannot believe that the figure in front of us who destroyed the "Jugon Monoimi" was actually the brat. As everything happened from him removing his mask to him asking us to move, I find myseld with the others in the living room and silently as we also digest everything that happened we wait for the brat and Mayura.
         ...The Sliding Door Opens...
Narrator Pov
Mayura comes in first followed by Rokuro with the heavy silence still in the air, Mayura breaks it saying "I know you have a lot of questions for Rokuro-kun but first let me introduce to you (she gestures her hand towards Rokuro) The new head of the Amawaka Clan, Wielder of Byakko, and the strongest "Jugon Monoimi" assassin and onmyouji in both the Island and Mainland Rukoro Enmadou Amawaka-Sama..

And once again there was heavy silence in the air.

Rokuro Enmadou The New Head of the Amawaka ClanWhere stories live. Discover now