Chapter 6

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It was midnight, I couldn't sleep. My head rolled against the warm pillow, determined to find an area of cool.
The police wanted to speak to me more tomorrow. I heard my mothers  steady breathing and my fathers machine beeping, my dad has  sleep apnea.
That's when my bunk bed broke. It was painful to say the least.
It was an upper bunk crashing on to a lower bunk, and I was on the latter. Yeah, painfull.
Mother ran through and pulled me out, yelling at the top of her lungs about the bed, and how they should have bought one from ikea.
Then my father, wearing his mask that made him look like he was in world war 2, stumbled through and was calming my mother down.
"It's lucky that Katie is away or she would have been in so much pain." My mother said as she dug out the cream for my cuts and bruises.
"Where is Katie anyway?" I asked, realisation that if my elder sister was here then she would have been taken to hospital in short of a slight cough, probably we suspected 'lung disease '.
Yeah my parents are like that.
"She, she's away." My mother looked down.
"Jocelyn, she needs to know."
"Know what?" I questioned.
"Albert!" My mother screeched

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2018 ⏰

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