"Hey! I'm still here, you know?" I annoyingly said but Chariza pinched me instead.

"Not to mention very rude" she continued.

"We all have our own definition of perfect, Auntie. You have a 'perfect' husband that smokes and drinks and you still accept him for what he is and for what he does" she explained like a saint.

"Your point is?" the woman asked impatiently while arching her brow

"He is my definition of perfect"

I don't know why but my heart's doing it again. Pounding like drums. But when I heard her say I'm perfect, I just couldn't hide my happiness.

"Fine, fine. But next time, tell us if he is visiting. Or he could've died in our hands." she said looking worried "We could've mistaken him for an enemy. They're everywhere, you know? Lurking in the shadows and all that."

Chariza nodded in reply and made her way out of the hallway, through the crowd and door, and out a gate.

As we were walking away, Chariza broke the icy silence that was enveloping us.

"Why are you smiling like that?"

"Smiling like what?"

"Like you won a lottery jackpot or something. It is really annoying me" she said as she looked at me.

"I didn't even know I was smiling like a lunatic. And if I was, why would it concern you, Ms. Definition of Perfect."

Her widened in shock and her face was as red as a tomato. Before I knew it, she already looked away to hide how flustered she was.

"That was only for us to escape, dummy!" she said still looking away.

"Yeah sure. But why on earth would you tell stories about me to your relatives if you weren't so concern?" I said while inching my head towards her ear.

"I-I had nothing to do, okay!" she said in defense while quickly looking at me with a red face. "And they're not my relatives, they're friends whom I treat as family!"

"Well, I'm your friend, right?" I asked looking up at the sky.

"Y-Yeah, why?"

"Well if they were your friends and you treat them as family, Why," I stopped to get her to be curious.

"Why what?" she asked still looking at me.

"Nevermind it was a stupid question anyway." I looked at the path we were walking to stop my brain from going berserk.

"C'mon! I won't laugh at your stupidity!" she said while letting out a small chuckle.

"You just did!" I said stealing a glance at her.

"Fine, fine. But seriously, I wanna know!" she said while she was looking up at me with sparkly eyes. I suddenly blushed because she was so close to me.

"Fine, Why don't you treat me as family like them?" I asked

"Sorry, the positions for a dad, an uncle, a brother, and a grandpa was already taken" she said chuckling, again.

"You just did it again!" I sighed, there was no stopping this girl.

"But, I'm serious" I stopped dead in my tracks, palms sweaty and heart pounding, "Can I be your family, you're perfect boyfriend?"

She stopped as well, and faced me. She looked so confused it almost made me lose hope.

"Are you seriously asking me that?" she said blankly "In this situation?"

"Yeah, pretty much" I replied with another sigh. "Look, I'm not forcing you to but think about it and-" I was cut off because she kissed me.

"Of course I have to court you first, get through your parents, and make you say yes to me." I said while smiling, "Of course you're going to make it harder for me, right?"

She just started laughing so I joined her. But after a while, we stopped and were silent for a few moments.

"Fyi, it's through my brother and Bella." she chuckled.

"I think I forgot something," I said while she was dragging me to Matt's car.


"Matt/Bella!" we both said in unison as we swiftly made our way to the entrance of the underground establishment again. But before we can even reach it, someone called out to us.

"Yeah, thanks for saving us, you dopes!" It was Bella and Matt holding each other's hands while walking toward us.

We both sighed in relief because they were safe. We all went to the car and drove to Stardom.

To think that so much happened in a day with Cha, I wonder what fun and exciting things we get to do with her for a week!

One by one, our memories started to appear in my head that I started laughing really loud.

"Hey, what happened to him?" Bella asked.

"Dunno" Cha replied.

"Well if you can't stop him, join him!" Matt said while driving.

Then we all started to laugh like lunatics.

The first I felt free from everything, like I just didn't give a damn about almost anything at all.

The first time in years...

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