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Ever since the whole "Shiro got shot" thing Sugawara's been different. Like a bad different. He's been quiet, lost in thought a lot, not really paying attention. But who would blame him, his boyfriend works for the police, and has a chance at dying whenever he goes to work. The world around him was crumbling and falling apart.

Sure, he had been happy. Shiro was a bright light in a dark world. Well, the world wasn't very dark, but Shiro had been a light. But with the new knowledge and new fears and problems, that light was dying, fading, being diminished, only to be replaced with dark fears and insecurities.

A feeling of dread washed over the silver haired male as he looked down at his phone, seeing a missed call from Shiro. He hadn't been at school due to his injury, so Suga had taken it upon himself to pickup the blind giants homework. Sighing he dialed Shiro back, pressing the phone to his ear as he listened to the dull ringing, but was only met with an unfilled voicemail box, making him sigh again.

Shiro was all over the place, he was either cleaning, cooking, reading, or sleeping, but there was no schedule to hold him back, so he did whatever he wished to do at the time of the thought. Pocketing his phone the setter started to walk to the raven haired males house, but paused when he saw an ambulance race down the street . Watching in interest Sugawara stopped, the siren ringing in his ears as the vehicle slowly disappeared from sight.

Shaking his head he started down the sidewalk again, hoisting the bag on his back up farther, the extra weight hurting his back.


The world around him froze at the sight before him. That ambulance he had only saw minutes before was in front of Shiro's house, along with a few police cars. The silver haired male watched as a male in hand cuffs was shoved out of the front door, fear freezing him in place when he noticed that it was that guy that had called Shiro Polizeidämon.

His hands were bloody, along with his shirt and pants, a few cuts on his face. And even from where he was standing Sugawara could tell he had this look in his eyes that made you wonder how many people he's killed, and this grin that made you realize he's probably lost count.

Feeling a hand on his arm the silver haired setter jumped, but calmed down when he saw that it was Hinata. He was crying, tears cascading down his face, making Sugawara start to cry himself. Dropping his bag the 3rd year fell to his knees, pulling the younger male to him, comforting him the best he could while his own heart was shattered.

Rolling out of the corner of his eye was a hospital gurney with Shiro on it, but it wasn't the same. Shiro was unconscious, his face beaten and bloody. With the sight of his boyfriend so broken Suga lost it, sobs racking his body. Because he knew this was the end, sure it had been short, only around a year, but this was it.

The setter would never be able to live with himself if Shiro died while he was with him, so this was it, this was the breaking point.

This is where Sugawara realized that Shiro was blind, and Sugawara himself was Glass.


Alrighty, well that's it.

I'm done with this story. The ending sucks ass, and I'm sorry for that, but I can't keep going on with this book. It's taken up far too much time for how short the chapters are. I apologize for anyone that wanted a happy ending but this what I came up with over the time of a week so here you go.

I'm not entirely happy with it, so I might go through and mess with it on a later date, but this what you get as of now.

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