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"You're what?" Sugawara furrowed his eyebrows, not understanding what Shiro had just told him. "I'm hypersensitive to the world around me......." he sighed, standing up straight as he ran a hand through his hair. "Do you know Daredevil?" The blind male asked randomly, Sugawara looking at him in wonder.

"He's an American super hero, but he's blind like me." You could practically see the wheels turning in the taller males head, his mind was racing a mile a minute. "Did I tell you how I went blind?" He asked randomly again, the setter confused beyond the point of no return.

"No, I don't think so......" Sugawara watched as Shiro moved around the kitchen with scary precision, as if he could see. "Well," the taller males started, "I went blind in a car crash, but we had crashed into a truck haling chemicals......." Trailing off he started to pace, as if he had to be doing something. "The crash killed both my parents and left me blind, but the chemicals mutated my senses if that makes sense."

HOLD IT! Did Shiro just say he lost his parents in the crash? "Shiro......did you just say you lost your parents in the car crash?" The tall male stood ridged, as if he had slipped up, telling Sugawara something he shouldn't have. "Y-yeah, I did........." Sighing he moved over to the table, grabbing one of the chairs he spun it around, straddling it.

"Yeah," he said with a slightly stronger voice, "me and Shoyo aren't brothers, we're cousins........My real parents died in a car crash when I was 15....." With a light chuckle he "looked" up at the ceiling, shaking his head. "Man, that was three years ago, three years since I've been home...." Sighing he stood up, putting the chair back, and walked over to Sugawara, offering him his free hand.

"I've left you in the dark long enough, I'll tell you anything you want to know." Shakily the silver haired male took his hand, letting himself be lead down stairs, sitting on the bed that he now realized were sheeted with silk. "Alright," the tall male started, fiddling with the sling his arm was in, "what do you want to know? Do you want a full backstory or something else.....?"

Thinking about it Sugawara realized he truly didn't know much about the blind, making him almost scared. "A-a full backstory, please." he stuttered, making Shiro frown but comply. "Okay, uh my real name is Adachi Masshiro, I was born in Jeonju South Korea and lived there up until the crash..... Um, I was in a coma for around three days after the crash, I work as a vigilante for the police. I have a hypersensitivity to the world......"

The two of them sat there in silence, Sugawara processing everything he had been told, Shiro trying his best with holding his tears back. This was something he didn't want to go through, not now, not ever, but here they were.

"So," Sugawara said slowly, like he was still trying to wrap his head around everything, "you haven't really been keeping anything from me on purpose?" Shiro fell onto the bed, moving to wrap his arms around the shorter male, but stalled, realizing that the touch might not be welcomed. "No," he started, tears threatening to fall, "I haven't withheld information on purpose." Sitting with his head down Shiro felt the water works break, little rivers trailing down his cheeks, only to be wiped away by a gentle hand.

"Alright." Sugawara said softly, wiping away the taller males tears. Laying down he coaxed the raven haired male to lay next to him, gently shushing him as sobs racked his body, his tears soaking into Sugawara's shirt as he buried his face into his chest.

The two of them laid there for roughly around 2 hours, Shiro's sobs turning to sniffles as he slowly fell asleep, Sugawara trying his best to get out of the bed without waking the giant up. Somehow he was successful in getting out of the bed, making his way upstairs, expecting to see Hinata, or at least their Mom, but no one was there, it was like the house was deserted.

Sighing he went into the kitchen, only to get side tracked with the note stuck to TV. Raising a suspicious eyebrow the silver haired setter walked over to the TV, looking around the room for the person that had manged to put the note there while he and Shiro were down stairs. Not finding any idecations of anyone being there he shrugged, grabbing the small slip of paper, and opened it.

It was......blank. The paper was crisp and clear, only having a bunch of little holes punched into it. Sighing, which Sugawara realized he had been doing a lot lately, he slipped the paper into his pocket, moving back to the kitchen where he got a glass out, after searching for a while, and filled it with water. Drinking most of it he filled it again, bring it along with some ibuprofen for the sleeping giant down stairs.

At the bottom of the steps Sugawara stopped in his tracks, just watching the taller male as he slept. He was curled up with a pillow in his arms, if it wasn't for the way he was shaking Sugawara would have said it was cute. Setting the glass and the medication down the silver haired male sat down next to Shiro, placing a hand on his shoulder, lightly shaking him awake.

Begrudgingly, the blind male sat up, taking the ibuprofen and drinking the water, but then he laid back down, dragging the shorter male with him. Throwing the blanket over them Shiro pulled Sugawara to his side, holding him like he had with the pillow. Huffing lightly the silver haired male blushed a deep red, but huddled closer to his blind boyfriend, the two of them falling asleep together.



I'm so stuck!

So as you can see by this ridiculously short chapter I'm having a case of writers block. But I will keep this schedule, I will try and post again at this time next week, but I have a camp on the 10th that goes till the 14th and then I also have a camp that starts on the 17th, I think, and ends on the 20th, I think.

But I will try, I promise! But that's not what this is about. To cure my writers block I want you guys to comment things that could/will happen so I have some ideas to work on and come back to. With that all said and done I will leave you with one last message.



I'm Blind, Not GlassWhere stories live. Discover now