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Her mind froze, but her body wasn't. Unconsciously, her leg shot up into the air while her whole body spun in a semi-circle. Her aim was directed towards the middle part of his body, but before her leg could swoop down he had already countered her attack. She felt a sting of pain coming from her calf as her foot was knocked form underneath her.

She yelped in surprise, trying to maintain her balance, but she ended up falling on her back. She gasped for air but no sound came from her lips. Her brown eyes were golden in the light as they widen in size once realization kicked in. He had only managed to knock the breath out of her, that was all, but she needed to get up before he made another move. Unfortunately he was closer to her this time, almost hovering over her.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw the knife glisten in the light. She remained calm as her eyes darted up to the detailed red mask, it looked as if it was a melting red candle, but melting parts looked like melting blood dripping off his mask.

She squirmed in her spot, unable to get up due to the fact that his body trapped her against the wall beside the door entrance.  She was so close to being inside her house but so far away.

She couldn't see his eyes for they were covered in a see-through fabric, she assumed, but she knew for a fact that his eyes were solely focused on her every movement. She just had a feeling and her 'feelings' were always right.

She kept her mouth shut as she watched his body swoop down along with his knife that was now placed, almost delicately, against her neck. She didn't dare to swallow but it wasn't like she could anyways, he had caused her mouth to become like the desert – dry.

"Any last words?" His face was now almost inches away from her as he waited for her answer.

She held back the longing to roll her eyes as she replied with, "So cliché, just get it over with, will ya?"

She was waiting for him to reply with words but instead he replied by bearing down just the right amount of pressure to slightly cut her neck. All confidence she had managed to conjure was lost once she felt the oozing, thick, red liquid slither down her chest. She didn't dare to look down because she knew if she did she would see a small puddle of blood now seeping into the fabric of her shirt.

"Any last words?" He repeated more harshly and it was then that she noticed that the only open spot on his mask was the mouth part. There was a small opening for him to breathe through, she noted.

Her lips parted, but the sting of the fresh new cut reminded her not to mess around with him anymore. Instead of speaking she gulped in response.

He waited for a few more seconds before taking the gulp as her answer. Her eyes were staring intensely at his mask as she felt the fabric of his hoodie against the left side of her shoulder. The knife was cold against her skin as she felt more pressure applied to the same place that he had cut earlier.

It felt like forever as she sat there listening to the rain hit the shingles on her front porch above her. She felt a sudden change in the atmosphere as he shifted and the place on her neck felt lonely and exposed. Keeping her eyes on him, she watched as he hesitated to stand up. He seemed confused but she wasn't going to doubt him just yet because he could be just acting.

She saw him mutter something but couldn't quite make out what he said. Noticing that his eyes were now darting everywhere except for her, she realized that this may be her only chance to escape. Thinking quickly on her feet, she laid both hands firmly behind her to support her weight before swinging her leg outwards and knocking him to his feet. She retrieved her leg before scrambling to her feet.

She kept an eye out for any attacks he may make as she rushed to the door beside her. Her hand latched onto the doorknob on the side while she made her way inside the house. She must've lost sight for a second for when she looked back to where he had, he wasn't there anymore. Her heart stopped beating as she felt heat radiating against her back. Her eyes flew up to the figure behind her. There was no hiding the confusion that was written across her face as she stared at him with fear in her eyes.

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