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        Were becoming more and more common for Tequila; these random nightmares were able to seep in and control her at any given moment.

        She was accustom to the burning walls that surrounded her now for she had seen them - seen it all - before. But it was like telling a kid that santa claus didn't exist, no matter how many times you were told you still didn't want to believe it. This was true for Tequila, she didn't want to believe that these nightmares were gradually become more real.

        She has even started to recall certain parts of the school she was in, as if it was real, and maybe it was at one point in time. For instance, the murals painted on the walls felt as if she had watched the painters delicately stroke each line - had she been there?

        And the children that begged for help, she could faintly envision their screams turning into laughter and their horror expression turn into ones of joy. She could remember a different time where the walls were still standing, yet how is that possible when this was all just a dream? But it felt so real.

        Sounds of laughter filled her ears.

        She learned it was impossible to prepare herself to meet the eyes of such a psychotic man. No matter how many times she had seen those icy blue eyes, she would never get used to how they struck fear into her every core.

        She had once, after waking up, tried to remember where she had seen those eyes before. They were ones that was impossible to forget. Somewhere in the back of her mind, those eyes had been shown to her earlier in her life - she just couldn't picture the face to go along with it.

        His eyes froze her as fire danced a familiar pattern across her ankles. He was hidden by the roaring fire that created a wall, putting space between them. Low whispered reached her through the fire and once she tried to piece the words together - it was over.


        Cold liquid slithers down her natural tan skin while goosebumps shower her arms and legs. Words are thrown at her, but do not reach her ears as her eyes awaken from their hibernation. Once her body starts to react, her mind is slow behind causing her legs to twist and turn. She ends up pressed flat against the carpet floor.

        Sounds of shuffling feet come to her rescue as a groan escapes her lips. She is lifted off the ground and onto a black, leather couch.

        All at once, it rushes back to her, causing a sharp pain in her temples.

        "Tequila, are you alright?" The words finally catching up to her, a voice that she remembers to be her brothers.

        "Inigo?" She responds as she rubs her forehead.

        "Yes, it's me. Are you alright?" He repeats, his arms reach out to catch her if needed.

        She simply nods, unable to come up with proper words as her migraine worsens.

        "Go get me advil." She demands, pointing in the direction of the kitchen.

        Inigo doesn't say a word as he rushes to the nearest cabinet. "I was worried to death about you." He says as he comes back with two small, red pills. "You know it's dangerous out there, especially at night." He said with such seriousness, making the edge of Tequila's nose twitch.

        She shoves both pills in her mouth as she swallows them down with a glass of water.Rolling her eyes she flatly responds, "Yeah I know." Irritation seeps in as Inigo's eyes narrow, warning her to stop with the childish act.

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