Chapter 1

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//(F/N) (L/N)'s POV//

I was walking on the side of the road. I felt that someone was watching from the distant, but i ignored it. "Gooood morning (N/N)-chan!" When i turned arround, i saw my friend, Aokage Sora. She's a very special friends.

I greeted her back and she hugged me tightly... Really Tightly. "S-Sora-chan, i can't breath! I n-need air!" She finally let me go. "Sorry!" she said while grinning. Together, we walk to our classroom. We have the same classroom andwe are really close than my other friends. As usual, the class was filled with conversation. We seated to our seats as the conversation grew louder.

"Good morning, (L/N)" Yuki greeted me with a sweet tune. I happily greeted her back. "So is there anyone bullied you yesterday??" She questioned. Dokinori Yuki is an overprotective friend but she's not stealling my freedome away. She just want me to be safe. We have been know each other for about 10 something year.

"Good morning (L/N)-san" My other friend greeted me sofly and i greeted him back. He's Mihiko Tokuo, he's a bit mysterious. Why? It's because he wouldn't tell where he live, who's his parents or family what his quirk and many more. When we asked where he live, he will simply say "To A Wonderful Place Where I Can Do What Ever I Want To.". And when we asked who is his parents, he will say "They are very skillful persons".

"Hey, (N/N)-chan" i looked at Sora who called my Nickname. "What highschool will you enter next school year??" She curiously asked. "I haven't still decided" I said. "How about you?" I ask them. "U.A!" Sora said happily like a child. "Ah.. me too" Yuki calmly said but with a hints of excitement.

"Aokage-san, i think they might kick you out due to your explotion temper" Tokuo said while grinning playfully. Sora grabbed his necktie as she glared at him. "I was just joking" Tokuo said as he smiled and stayed calm. she let him go, still glaring at him. "I don't like" She growled. "Sora-chan, calm down" Sora's personality suddenly change. "Okay!~" she said happily as i sweat dropped.

After that, our homeroon teacher entered the classroom with a serious face. "Food mornin, Class". "Good morning sir!" We all greeted him except Tokuo, who was looking on the window.

"Today we will do something exciting" he told us. We gave him a confused looks. "Group yourselves into 4, i'll tell you later why. Now, start your groupings!"

My groupmates was Sora, Yuki, Shun and of course... Tokuo too.

When we all finally grouped. He cleared his throat. "So everyone has been grouped, right? Group of (Randome Name #1), You will report the cases of crime this whole week. Group of (Randome Name #2), you will report the Most Well Known Villains. Group of (L/N), you will report about the Heroes this week. Group of (Randome Name #4), you will report about All might. Group of (Randome Name #5), you will report about Endeavor. That's all, now write your names in the any kind of piece of paper and don't forget to write your group..." Our teacher explained.

We wrote our names and gave it to him. "Oh and I almost forgot where you will all do your reports".

He looked on us with a smirk. "You will do your reports in...... U.A Academy starting next week on MoNdAy so be ready" We were all surprise. 'In the U.A?!'

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