Chapter 6

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Max woke up alone and naked. He looked at his desk seeing a yellow sticky note and the drawing that he drew.

Max's POV


Good morning sweetie I made you breakfast it's inside the microwave.

I love you <3 :*

I didn't wake you up because you're too cute to wake up :")

See you in two weeks

Don't worry I kissed you. Love you! <3

Wait for me.. Promise?


"My girl is so sweet." I said in my mind. I got dressed and went upstairs. I opened the microwave and saw a plate of bacon & eggs. Yummy! My favorite. I grabbed the plate and went to the living room. Everyone else is still sleeping. So I decided to eat inside the living room. I turned on the TV and went on the news.. What I watch the news....

"A rainy day it is to our city, in fact we received a news that all schools will cancel the class for today. And please stay in doors." The report man started. "Wait? What about Pheobe?!" I stood up and ran to my room to get my phone. She won't answer. Fuck. Damn she's making me worry.

I went upstairs and watched the news.

"Special report. Car crash, a male and a female. We found out that the name of the male was Hank Thunderman. And the female was Pheobe Thunderman. Another news, Hank Thunderman is officially dead." My eyes. What?! Dad?! Dead! Shit! Pheobe!!!! I ran upstairs and barged inside mom's bedroom. "Mom!" I screamed. Billy opened his door. Shit how could I tell him? "Max, what's going on?" He asked. I quickly grabbed him and hugged him. Poor boy doesn't have a clue of what's going on... "Max?" I looked up and saw mom. I hugged her and we went inside her bedroom leaving Billy behind. I gave to tell mom first.

"It's dad... He..... H-e... Died......." I tried to say. "What do you mean?" She asked. I told her the story and quickly got dressed. I woke up Nora and we left the house. Mom decided to go to the morgue with Billy. He was crying as well as Nora. Mom instructed me to go to Pheobe with Nora. I grabbed Nora carrying her and went inside the hospital.

"Pheobe Thunderman." I said. The nurse instructed me where to go and we found Pheobe. "How is she doc?" I asked. "She's not the best. She lost a lot of blood, we need blood for her. And we need it fast." He said. "I can, I'm her twin." I said. "Alright, you can come to the testing room." He said then we followed him. Thirty minutes later the results were out. "I'm sorry but you don't have the same blood. Do you have anyone that could help her?" He asked. Before I could even speak Nora interrupted. "I can. I will." She said. I signed the contract and after thirty minutes the results were out. "Yes, she can give blood." The doctor said causing me to relax. He left with Nora and came back after a few. "Your sister will be alright." He assured. "Can I see them?" I asked. "Nora will be out in a few minutes. But as for Pheobe, you couldn't see her.. Not yet.." He said then left. I peeked at the door, it was glass. I could see her and wrapped allover those wires... Poor Pheobe.

"Max..." Mom suddenly burst in. "Mom, how are you?" I quickly asked as we take a seat. "I'm fine dear, but we need to get the funeral ready.... Three days maybe..." She said. "What about Pheobe?" I asked. "Well we can't wait for her, I mean your dad needs to rest." She said. "It's okay mom... I'm here." I said.


It's been two days since dad died.. I can't believe Pheobe missed it. Well it's Monday and I can't go to school because of Pheobe. The school knows about her and my dad... Everyone sending sorry messages to me and Pheobe. But as for Billy and Nora, they need to go to school, it's the last week anyway. After I took Nora and Billy to school I went to the hospital to meet mom and Pheobe.

"Hey mom... I got pasta and some clothes for you." I said as I enter inside the room. "Morning son.." She said then gave me a kiss. "Well she still haven't waken up yet." She said. "Go change, I'll handle this." I said giving her the bag. She left and took a shower. I grabbed a bowl and a towel. I'm going to wipe it to her.. As I wipe it around her neck I was looking at her eyes.. "Please wake up sweetheart." I said then kissed her lips.

Wait. She kissed back. She's awake! O thank you God. "I love you.." She said. "I love you too." I said then hugged her. "Pheobe?" I heard mom. Did she heard us? Crap I can't handle this now. "Mom.... I'm so sorry...." She said hugging mom. "I love you baby." "I love you too mom..' She said.


The next day we left and went home. Today was the day dad will go to the cementery. Thirty minutes before we left I went inside Pheobe's room. "Hey.." I said as I make my way to the edge of her bed. "Could you zip me up?" She asked then removed her hair at her back. "There you go.." I said. She turned around and hugged me. "I miss him.." She said hugging me. I looked at her eyes and just smiled. She's pretty, wearing her plain white lace dress and white heels. Out of nowhere she pulled me to her and kissed me. I want to kiss her back but I can't. Not now. She pulled back and I could see the confusion on her face. "I think we should finish this." I said letting her go. "What? After all what happened?! This is what you say?! To finish this? What happened to 'fighting for me?' Max you promised!" She blurted out. "I'm sorry." I said then left.


We arrived at the area and a lot of dad's friends are there. "Hi thank you for coming.." Mom said ass she greet some. They did the same till I saw this old man passing by. I went over there and greeted him. "Hi, I'm Max. Thank you for coming.." I said. "Hi, I'm doctor Black, I was the one who gave birth to Pheobe." He said. "Oh hi, don't you remember me? I'm her twin." I said. I could see the confusion on his face. "Huh? Well I specifically remember that Pheobe was an only child... I mean I never gave birth to twins before..." He said. What does he mean by that? "Anyway I have to go. Nice seeing you Max." He said then left.

What's happening? My doctor doesn't remember me... The blood test was wrong... What's going on?

Promise me. (Thunderman) [Pheobe & Max] *THUNDERCEST*Where stories live. Discover now