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|Lily Martins|

Sydney, Australia was beautiful place. It was undeniable how the beaches and the people were simply stunning. The buildings and the lights at night were a gorgeous site and it was overall an amazing place.

But this one building that was so common to one girl in particular, lily Martins. She wasn't all famous in the neighborhood, in fact she was just a chill person who minded her own business as taught by her grandma. She did what she had to do when she had to do it and only got into people's business when it involved her or when necessary.

The old building that had been there since the early 70's was still standing perfectly in one corner of lily's neighborhood. It had a big bold sign saying 'Thompson's library, since 1971'. The inside was way more modern and decorated, with hundreds of books and comfy seats and carpets the place was phenomenal. That's why lily had found a liking to it, she loved the peace and quiet and didn't mind reading a good book or getting away from her home, where she lived with her grandma.

On the farthest corner, next to a window, sat the young Lily, holding a new copy of 'To kill a mockingbird'. Her grandma, Carol, had recommended it for her and surprisingly it wasn't bad. She flipped the page slowly, not daring to make a noise that would disturb the silence. She then continued with her peaceful reading, shifting slightly on the table she was sat at, trying to get comfortable.

The loud dragging of a chair was heard in lily's ears. She irritatedly shot her eyes up, looking for the source of noise. There her brown eyes met hazel/green ones That were staring intently. She scanned the boys face quickly, noticing his features that were to die for. Perfect jawline, nice eyes, beautiful smile and messy hair that definitely suited him.

She quickly looked down, not wanting to stare too long. Still having the image of his face, she continued to read.

"um excuse me?" a raspy and deep voice sounded, still managing to sound sweet.

But she ignored it on purpose and continued to read. Not until the boy, snatched the book she was so caught up in and snapped it shut, a smirk visible on his face.

"hey! My page! I don't know what page I was on!" she whisper shouted, not wanting to get any unnecessary attention.

"I'm Ethan" he smiled.

"I didn't ask" she rolled her eyes.

Ethan silently chuckled at her sense of humor. She looked all sweet and kind but she was definitely a feisty one. But it was how she was raised, lily couldn't change a thing about herself because, she was genuinely OK with her humor.

"name?" he asked.

"you don't need to know"

"and you don't need to have your book back"

They went on and off in low tones, arguing. It was honestly hilarious for Ethan as he watched her suffer and plead for her book. It was obviously a joke and he'd eventually give her cause he was not heartless, but he was so bored and he needed to kill time and this was the only way.

"lily, my name is lily!" she said it so loud and with so much frustration that most heads turned to their direction. She shyly smiled at them, dismissing their stares.

Ethan handed her, her book and looked at the time on his watch, realising That his brother, Grayson, was probably already done shopping and was looking for him.

"see you later lils" Ethan said before leaving and to lily's surprise, the sudden nickname didn't bother her.


Well, that partly sucked.

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