Chapter 1

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I got up this morning to the annoying sound of my parents' voices yelling at me to get out of my bed or else I'll be late for my first day at summer camp. Honestly I'm not really into these camping stuff. It's just a waste of time and money. My parents would rather send me there than buy me an iPhone XR which honestly if you ask me is way cheaper than the camp.

Honest truth, I don't have a say in any of the shit that goes on in this house. I just have to play along until I'm 18 and maybe I'll have a little bit of freedom and hopefully an extended curfew.

"Kylie!! If your not out of that bed in ten i'mma kick your ass", my dad yells through the door of my room. I know better to always lock my door before sleeping because my parents don't understand the meaning of PRIVACY.

"Daaaaaaadddd!! Stop yelling I'll be out in a sec" I yell back. The bright morning sunrise flushing in through my window, the sweet smell of mom's breakfast cooking and my million notifications from my phone give me the urge to wake up. I get into the bathroom, have a shower, dress up and meet my parents in the dining room.

Obviously I take a selfie first

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Obviously I take a selfie first.

Mom's prepared a hell of a lot more than we usually eat. Fries, eggs, toast, bacon and some fruit juice. She always knows what I like.

"Kylie..." she calls out to me.

"Yes mom" I reply. "Whatsup"

"Well u know this is your last summer camp right because next summer you'll be heading off to college"

"Yes mom I'm aware of that. I can't wait to get over with it." I replied with a little smile on my face. Not because it was my last summer camp but because I heard the word <<college>>. I've been dreaming of my first day in college since I was 12 and I can't believe it's left a year for me to be in it.

"My sweetheart, I want you to enjoy your last year at summer camp because u won't get it twice...."

"I know mom, I know. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine." I cut her.

"I know you'll be fine darling. I know you will. I want you to have fun ok. Make sure u be creative out there and don't be shy to make new friends alright. Your dad and I will take you out on your birthday and we'll have a big party for you. You know turning 17 isn't easy."

"What if i don't want to spend my sweet 17 with you guys. What if I make some really cool friends within this weak and I want to have the party at the camp. What if....."

"Well what ever you decide, we'll play along ok sweetheart" my mom interrupts.

"Buh that doesn't change the fact that my present must be enormous."

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