Chapter 2 - Every Part of You

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Ben kneeled next to his mate and waited for help to arrive.

The paramedics and beat cops arrived. He stepped away from her and gave them a quick statement. They hauled the assailant into the back of their car. Ben wished he could have killed him or at least majorly fucked him up, he really did.

He had hurt her, he had probably scarred her in more ways than one. He didn't deserve a fair trial, consequences be damned. He balled his hands into fists and took a deep breath. He had to get control of his emotions.

Her scent and the other males in her proximity was making him more aggressive and out of control than usual. He barred his teeth, it was difficult to contain a growl that was threatening to erupt from his chest.

Ben's cell vibrated. It was Liv, his Lieutenant.

"Solo, theres been a sexual assault near you at the Niima Outpost. address is.."

Ben interrupted her.

"I know, I'm the one who called it in. I'm here now, but send Fin or someone else because the victim is my mate. I witnessed part of her attack and stopped it. I have to go with her to the hospital."

The paramedics were touching her, he was distracted. He didn't want anyone touching her. It was wrong. He didn't trust them.

"Liv, I have to go. Put me on leave for a few days."

He hung up on her. That probably was not the smartest move, but he would deal with that later. Right now the only thing that mattered was Rey.

He moved to insert himself between Rey and the paramedics. One had already started an IV and had gone to get the stretcher. The other was reaching to lift her shirt in order to inspect her wounds.

"Nope. Stop right there. You're not lifting her shirt."

The paramedic, "Jim" his name tag said, looked confused.

"You are not going to touch her, do you understand me?" His voice was infused with his Alpha authority and a touch of belligerence.

"Jim" backed down.

"How am I supposed to treat her then?"

"I've seen her wounds, they are going to need stitches. Paramedics don't do stitches. There is nothing for you to treat."

"Sir, are stopping me from doing my job here." "Jim" looked dumb-founded.

"That is correct."

He flashed his badge at him.

"I'm Detective Solo with the 16th Precinct."

"Jim" wasn't impressed. He seemed more confused in fact.

"I'm going to lift her onto the stretcher myself and you are not going to interfere. Then I am going to ride with her in the back of the ambulance. You will ask my permission first in the event that she will need you to attend to her medical needs. You will not touch her. Do you understand me Beta?"

It was difficult for him to keep the venom out of his voice. Calling the man by his designation had been an insult. He was starting to come undone. He had to get control of himself.

"Yes, Detective."

"Jim" stepped back from Rey and looked down at her helplessly.

Ben kneeled down beside her and spoke softly into her ear.

"Rey, are you doing ok? What do you need?" "Your Alpha is here."

He stroked her hair, attempting to comfort her. The little blue sparks that covered his hands sent shivers down his spine.

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