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I feel guilty that all I'm giving is chapters and thank you's in the A/N's..
o well, can't be helped..;;
I'll try to think of something special for when I (if ever) reach 1K.
But for nowwwwwwww..
Le next chapter!!

- Kira -

ϵ( 'Θ' )϶

"Uhm.. you okay there?.." A male's voice hesitantly asked. I spun around on my heel to come face to face with Pikachu Boy, otherwise known as the boy from the café, who I also coincidentally am chatting with online under my best friend's name. He being a bit too close than I preferred, I took a step back before calmly saying:

"Fuck off, Pikachu."

"Erm.... what?"

"I said, fuck off."

"Woah, woah, woah, ladyyyyyyy... chill!! I'm just an innocent teenage boy offering his help!!" He said, putting his hands up, as if he was caught by a police officer.

I hesitated and stopped to think. I need to find the cafeteria so I can get my food. And I need to eat on the roof so I can eat in solitude, like the lowkey, anti-social fuck I am. After about a minute, I replied, "Fine. Where's the cafeteria and the roof?"

Puffing up his chest, as if he was not a wimpy teenage boy, but a knight saving a damsel in distress, he replied, "Follow me!!" And with that, he strode off (in the most wimp-like fashion ever) towards the cafeteria. Letting out an exasperated sigh, I followed him. I lagged a bit behind, to make it seem like I totally knew the way and wasn't following Kaminari. Otherwise known as Bakachu. What a great new nickname.

He continued to lead me to the lunch line, where we both got our lunches. After that, with his lunch tray in hand, he asked me, "You wanted to go to the roof, right?"

I nodded, "Yeah.."

Without hesitation or a word, he began leading me towards the roof. The walk was quiet, too. We both acknowledged each other's presence, but we didn't make a comment on it.


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sun。 april 28, 2019 ||

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