Part 4

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"DEKU WHERE THE F-" Bakugo started but was abruptly cut off by Kirishima's hand.
"Heh-" Kirishima looked stressed and smiled at Midoriya, "Glad you could finally make it!"
"S-sorry Kacchan," Midoriya let out a sigh as Bakugo's posture became less threatening.
"So are we organising this thing or not?" Kyoka called from the table.
Sitting with her was Tokoyami, Denki, Tsuyu, Momo, Todoroki and Tenya.
"Let's all sit and start the plans!" Tenya's tone was that of a leader.
Midoriya, Bakugo and Kirishima sat with the others.
"Let's start with who is going to be making the posters."
"Momo and I can work on that."
"Good, thank you Tsuyu."
"I'm assuming Kyoka, you will be handling the music and sound systems?"
She responded with a thumbs up.
"Todoroki and Midoriya can I trust you on food and drink?"
"Yup, I'll do my best," Midoriya said confidently as Todoroki nodded.
"Tokoyami, Kirishima, Bakugo and I will work on decorations and set up then." Tenya clapped.
"Let's go to work teams and make this the best class dance ever!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2018 ⏰

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