Part 3

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*Previously - during class*
"Alright, we're going to be focussing on endurance," Eraserhead stated to the class.
"I hope your all ready to die!" Bakugo said confidently.
"Alright then, you will do a number of physical activities, running, lifting and quirk using," he paused, "the challenge is do complete all the tasks faster then your classmates."
Class 1A lined up along the starting line, preparing to take off. Bakugo stared confidently in front of him, a smirk spreading over his face. Beside him was Kirishima and Uraraka, beside her was Midoriya.
"On your marks... Set... Go!"
All the students took off, Bakugo used his flames but they soon stopped as Eraserhead blocked his quirk.
"No quirk using in this exercise!"
Bakugo smirked, "I can beat you all without my quirk anyway!"

The next activity was quirk using.
The aim was to destroy all the training dummies the quickest. First up was Kirishima.
He hardened himself and finished in 5.6 seconds.

The last activity was weight lifting. Bakugo went for 45kg and behind him was Kirishima with a 45kg weight as well.
Bakugo smirked confidently as he bent down to pick up his weight.
Kirishima looked over and his face stained red.
" rock hard right now..." he said under his breath.
At least he thought he did, he said it a little too loudly.
Bakugo turned to his laughing and then realised where he was looking.
"WHAT THE HELL!" he stared at him angrily.
"WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT!" He walked towards him menacingly.
"Oh shit... Uhm hey Katsuki..."
"DONT ACT DUMB!" he growled.
"W-what do you mean," he tried to avoid eye contact.
"Hmpf!" Bakugo stormed off to his dorm room.

"I should... Probably go check that... He's okay..." Kirishima stuttered out of embarrassment and ran after Bakugo.

(Welp there you have it... The secret is out :3)

Rock hard - KirigoDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora