Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Keshawn POV

I was in the station with just Quay and Devin. I had to make up for all the hours I missed.

I was up to the point where I was sweating bricks. Spank got me working like a dog all day.

I was in the back room with Devin just organizing every box and files there was. Then afterwards we have to count up all the money the sellers sold yesterday.

"So wassup with the missing money? Did y'all find out who took it?" I asked as I was cutting up boxes.

"Na bruh. Spank never had time to look back at the security tapes". he said.

"Why not?" I asked.

"That whole T.D situation". he stated.

Then a bright light flashed in my head.

"Let's go see for ourselves then" I said

He scrunched up his face.

"Heck naw. I ain't tryna get killed" he said. I laughed at him.

"Alright suit yourself" I said as I continued to cut up the boxes.

He paused for a second then looked at me.

"What's the plan?" he asked making me chuckle.

Promise POV

After hanging with Diamond all morning, I decided to go home and rest. I feel like I haven't touched my bed in ages.

I drove all the way home and parked in my driveway. I was shocked to see my mom's car parked. She probably came back to pick up the rest of her stuff.

I sighed.

I got out the car and picked up all the mail before I entered the house.

As I went in, the scent of baked cookies and cinnamon rolls hit my nose.

I placed my purse on the couch then went into the kitchen. I just looked at my mom as she continued to cook.

It was a long silence between us and I knew she knew that I was here.

After a few minutes she finally wiped her hands then turned around and looked at me. She then sat on a chair across from me.

A tear fell from my eye as I got up to go hug her. She hugged me back tight.

"Don't leave us again ma. I need you." I said holding her tightly.

She brushed my back.

"I won't baby girl. I promise." she said.

A few minutes passed until she sighed before she let go of our hug.

"Sit down honey. I got something important to tell you" she said as she sat down. I then sat down on the chair in front of her.

"What is it?" I asked as I looked at her face. She looked worried.

"It's a long story.. back when I was pregnant with you" she said..

Keshawn POV

We waited until Spank left to go pick up some food for us.

As soon he left we told Quay to keep watch as Devin and I went into the surveillance room.

We grabbed the keys from the lock room and unlocked the room.

It was pitch black with opened tv's all around. Their was like cameras in each room.

"iight let's find the tape then leave" he said as he looked through a box.

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