Chapter 1

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(The Picture is Oliver)

I can't believe Mother and Father had sent us to the mansion in Japan! They had the audacity to send me to Japan with eleven siblings and no help other than the older few siblings! They always do this! Always! Always! I have had enough of their selfish behavior! It's about time they take the responsibility of being parents full-time. As soon as I am able and willing to go back, I will talk to them about their  actions.

"Sophie, I've got all of our luggages and Oliver says the limo has arrived. Apparently, they don't have car seats here yet, so we'll have to invest in them. Oh, and Sophie, is everything alright?" Hilda asks, oblivious to our parents' actions. I refuse to let them know what's going on in the whole irresponsible parent side. They don't need to have worries at such a young age.

"Everything is going perfectly, now did Oliver say anything about if the younger ones are strapped in? They don't need car seats for now. I'll pick some up later," I say with a smile that doesn't reach my eyes, but this is the only smile they've known, so they can't tell the difference between my fake and real smile. 

"Yeah. He said that they were all buckled in, Luis and Able had helped him. Britta was being restless and Irina was asleep. Jan, Leon and Phillip were busy strapping themselves in and observing Japan. David and Issac were playing on the DS," Hilda reports.

Let me give you the age order, from eldest to youngest. I was born first, then came Oliver, Hilda, Luis, Able, David, Issac, Phillip, Jan, Irina, Leon, and Britta. None of us were twins, triplets, or anything of the like. That meant, that, at the moment, we had one child for each grade. Britta is six and the baby of the group, while I am seventeen and the adult of the group.

"Great, now help me bring the luggage to the limo," I chuckled. Even though I looked like a middle-class civilian right now, I have plenty of gowns, formal dresses, and poof-y dresses. Mother and Father had sent some boxes of clothing and other things to the mansion, so the majority of my clothing was there. The luggage had held things our parents did bother to send and clothing for when we get to the estate. Our things were arriving tomorrow, so we needed to have clothes to wear for today besides these travel clothes.

When we reach the limo, the chauffeur grabbed the bags and puts them in the trunk. Oliver opens the car door from inside and helps Hilda and me in. We were all decked out in traveling clothes, which I could tell was bugging all of them. You see, our parents only bought us clothing like princess dresses for the girls and tailored suits for the boys. They really wanted us to be fancy.

The ride was filled with endless chatter from amongst the group. Sometimes, we broke off into smaller social groups, as to make it easier to converse, but most of the time, we just had a giant chat. That always includes the youngest child that can talk, which means we include Britta in every group conversation. I have to say, we all get along very well and nobody is mean to each other. Sure, sometimes the younger ones prank each other and fight over silly things, but that's a part of growing up. Outside of those occasion, we don't discriminate each other.

The talking stops, which makes me notice the car had also stopped moving. I'm pretty sure there is no traffic at this hour, so that must mean we have arrived at our new home. I step out of the limo after Hilda exited with Irina, Leon, and Britta and Oliver exited with Issac, Phillip, and Jan. When I step out of the limo, Luis, Able, and David exit right after me. This was the way we always exited a car since Britta had turned two. Hilda and Oliver usually helped me with taking care of the youngest, but that was only when we traveled or when we were putting them to bed. Other than that, I took care of them all, including those two. I had to let them be kids, but understand what growing up was like.

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