flash back

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Ms Thomas congratulations I grant you full custody of A'Leah alsina the judge spoke looking at Destinee ms. Spencer can't have any contact with the child we found proof of neglect as well as proof of drug use take care have a great day he added as he nodded and left the room omg Destinee I'm so happy for you ty said walking up hugging Destinee congrats I knew you could do it Mimi spoke walking in the court room thanks I couldn't have done it without you guys des spoke as they started out the door I just wish he was here des added looking at leah as the social worker handed her over to her I know it feels crazy with him not being here Mimi said as they walked out the court house I'll see you guys later ok Destinee spoke as she put leah in the car ok we'll be over later ty replied as they said their goodbyes and parted ways about an half an hour later Destinee pulled up to Sheila's house grabbed leah and went in

Destinee: mama where you at (yelling walking in)

Sheila:right here child quite yelling I'm on the phone (sees leah)oh my goodness Destinee you did it

Destinee: yep she's officially ours

Sheila: (hugs her and grab the baby)I'm proud of you here talk to your man he's been asking about you (hand her the phone)

                    Phone convo

Destinee: hey baby how you holding up
(walks in the kitchen)

August: (sighs) I'm good how my babies doing

Destinee: we're fine just miss you that's all

August: I no des this'll all be over soon

Destinee:I wanna come see you

August; naw shawty  just hold it down there ima keep in touch I promise

Destinee: but …

August: no buts des please just listen to me besides I want you too get as much rest as you can we only have 2 months before little man gets here

Destinee: (sighs) ok whatever ever August

August:you know love you right

Destinee:love you too aug (hands Sheila the phone)
End of phone convo…

I hate this Destinee spoke as she grabbed some ice cream out the freezer and sat down  at the kitchen table I no it's gone be ok though it'll be over soon Sheila said hanging up the phone walking in the kitchen it's not gone be over soon he got 2 years and now I'm a single mom of two Destinee replied with an attitude des don't do this he needs you more then ever right now Sheila spoke looking at her I no but what about my needs what about what I want he won't even let me come see him I'm so tired of crying she blurted out you're not doing this alone I'm here your family is helping just hold in there and maybe he doesn't want you to see him like that  Sheila exclaimed this is just too much des replied it might not even be the whole 2 years the judge said he might be able to get parole or something you never know and besides he did this because of YOU Sheila hissed and walked out the kitchen 

Destinee: you know what I'm out I don't have time for this shit (grabs leah away from Sheila) I didn't tell his ass to kill nobody and what about what I did for him did he tell you how I took a bullet for his ass no I bet you he didn't he would've died if it wasn't for me so fuck that you can't blame me (yelling)

Mama Sheila: I didn't know but calm down and watch yo mouth in this house

Destinee: whatever I'm tired of holding my tongue about yo little mama's boy he ain't as innocent as he seems (still yelling)

Mama Sheila: des I never said he was (sees something on the floor) des either you just piss yourself or your water just broke

Destinee: (looks down) OMG no not now I'm not ready (scared)

Sheila: well woman up cause he's coming (walking her to the car)

Destinee: (breathing hard) damn why didn't you tell me it was going to hurt like this

Sheila:lol you never asked (driving)

Destinee: (text Mimi and ty)why is this funny to you

Sheila:cause god don't like ugly you was cussing and yelling in my house and now look yo ass in pain (pulls up and help her out)

Destinee: I can't stand you (walking in )

Sheila:I love you too lol

Destinee: (roll my eyes) SOMEBODY GET THIS FUCKING BABY OUTTA ME (yells)

Sheila: (rubs her back) I no he'll be out soon just hope he don't have a big ass head like his daddy if so you in trouble

Destinee: mama Sheila your not helping lol

10 minutes later

We're here ty yelled out as her and Mimi walked in the room ty grabbed leah and Sheila started recording trick where the hell you been des asked looking at Mimi I was in surgery helping out damn I'm here now mimi spoke shaking her head well do your job and get this baby the fuck up out me go get yo fiancee Destinee yelled yo chill ty chimed in saying and des shot her a look don't tell me to chill bitch you chill I'm the one in pain not you I say what I want Destinee replied as the doctor came in and gave her some meds to ease the pain and after about 20 minutes her whole demeanor changed I love you guys she sobbed mama Sheila I'm sorry ty you know I didn't mean anything is it always like this ty asked whispering to Sheila laughing some worse than others she replied shaking her head still recording naw this trick just bipolar Mimi added as Destinee started pushing and 6 in a half hours later baby August had arrived

Ty: he's adorable (looking at the baby)

Destinee: (holding him) thanks

Sheila: he looks just like him (hugs Destinee)

Destinee:  yea he does

Mimi: I can't believe they gave him 2 years

Sheila:ladies lets not talk about that right now

Mimi:yea you right sorry des aye look I gotta go get back to work just cause I'm engaged to the owner doesn't mean I can stop working you feel me lol (hugs des and leaves out)

Ty:so what you naming him

Sheila: little August duh

Destinee: (laughs) yea

Ty: ms. Sheila you are so rude

Sheila: naw I'm just real

Ty: (under my breath) real ghetto

Sheila:little girl I heard that now go get des something to drink before I beat you like you stole something

Ty:  yes sir I mean ma'am(smiles and leaves out)

Ima end up choking her you know that right Sheila spoke looking at Destinee laughing mama you can't go around beating on other people's kids yo little self gone go to jail des replied laughing girl I'm not worried about no jail besides y'all grown Sheila said as ty came back in and handed des something to drink thanks des added as she handed little August to Sheila when are you going to give him a answer ty asked des I don't know she replied and Sheila and ty glanced at her so what you saying des you don't wanna marry him Sheila questioned raising one of her eyebrows look I just want him to get out first then we can go from there des responded he just wants to make sure got him Sheila added and the words I do echoed from Destinee….. as a alarm started going off Destinee woke up took a glimpse at who was laying next to her and got up

End of flash back

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