No Love Lost

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The next day Destinee got up off the floor and grabbed her phone she searched through her missed calls as well as texts and came across some messages from ty about Mimi fuck no she said as she got up got herself together and headed next door she rung the doorbell waiting for Mimi to answer it 

Mimi:what's up cuzo

(answering the door)

Destinee: we need to talk NOW!!

Mimi:(chuckles nervously)about what?

Destinee: bitch you told August about me and kel?

Mimi: (looks at ty) I don't know what you talking about

Destinee: (show her the text messages) oh you don't huh (starts beating Mimi ass)bitch he broke up with me because of the stupid shit u did

Ty: (pulls Destinee off Mimi) omg Destinee what happened to your neck (looking at her)

Destinee: I don't wanna talk about it just keep this back stabbing bitch away from me (walks out the house)

Mimi; (gets up off the floor and go gets some ice for her face)

Ty:I told you Samantha not to do that dumb shit (calling Mimi by her real name as i walks out the door to Destinee house)des talk to me please

Destinee: (crying)he left me  because of that hating ass bitch(walks in her house) I can't believe her my own family smh

Ty: did he do that (looking upset)

Destinee: YES!  He didn't even wanna know my side of the situation(grabs some alcohol out the fridge)

Ty: des I think your drinking is starting to be a problem please stop you don't need this (snatch the bottle from her)

Mimi: (walks in) I'm sorry des I didn't want it to go this far but this had to end

Des: please get this bitch away from me who are you to say when it should end(grabs the bottle bout to hit Mimi with it)

Ty :everyone please lets just calm down and we'll figure this out Mimi go home you've done enough(grabs the bottle from Destinee )

Destinee look at Mimi as ty takes the bottle get out my house she spoke in a demanding tone ok I will but I didn't know he was gonna do that too you she spoke as she left out damn Destinee ty replied as she watched des walk up to her room and Destinee just ignored her and slammed her door she called August several times before he.finally picked up

August: (yelling in the phone) what the fuck u want

Destinee: (crying)please just hear me out

August: naw I'm good ma you do you and ima do me

Random girl : (giggle in the background)

Destinee: who the hell is that August (getting mad)

August: why you worried we ain't together

Destinee:so that's how it is you just taking random bitches home

August: what I do ain't got nothing to do with you, YOU lied too me

Destinee:  ok aug since you wanna be like that have a nice life you'll never hear from me again (hangs up)

August p.o.v
I really didn't give a fuck about how Destinee felt I wanted her to be hurt like I was I couldn't believe I put my all into this bitch and in the end she do this
End of August p.o.v

Destinee p.o.v
He wanna be like that I can definitely do me too fuck August punk ass I'm bout to enjoy the single life (makes a phone call)

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