Are You Okay? | Chpt 6

Start from the beginning

"Are you alright?"

"Uh, yes," I said, straightening up.

"You may rest for the day if you'd like, I don't want you to feel like you're under any pressure today," he said, patting my desk before he stood.

"No, sir, I'm okay," I said, sitting back.  He nodded and returned to his desk. I looked up and Lance was stood near the desks watching me. He was stood near Hunk who was talking worriedly to him. He glanced up and saw that Lance had lost focus and elbowed him. I just looked back at the board.

Maybe I should've skipped. I feel like a wreck. Lance sat down beside me when class was called. I rested my chin in my good left hand while the other rested in my lap. The lesson was easy, but droned on, until I could only focus on an odd throb that had started in my arm. I'm a mess already, all out of sorts, so it's not surprising. Through all the pain, I felt something grab at my injured hand. I glanced down and tan fingers curled around mine so that both hands rested on my leg. I glanced over at Lance who was just playing close attention to the board. What was he doing?

Was he trying to flirt with me now? What's his deal?

I didn't want to make a disturbance within class so I just let my hand rest limply in his. No way was I holding his hand back. Alfor ended his speech a few minutes early and I jerked my hand away almost immediately.

"What are you doing?!"

"You looked weird, I was just seeing if you were okay," he said and he had gained the attention of Pidge and Hunk on either side of us.

"Can't you just leave me alone for one second?! Stop talking to me. Stop flirting with me. Just go away!" I said and stood up from my chair abruptly. I stormed off and Pidge just followed me, looking back at both the boys. Pidge grabbed at my arm and I winced slightly, stopping for her.

"Dude, slow down a tick, are you okay? You really seem off, do you need to go to the dorm?" Pidge asked. I stared back at her for a second before collapsing to the floor and crying. She seemed startled, but crouched down to hug me anyways.

"I-I d-don't know what's wr-rong with me, whatever that nurse did to me is r-really messing me up," I sobbed and Pidge pat my back.

"It's okay, you can take the day if you need, no one is expecting anything from you," Pidge said.

"Hey, what's going on?" I glanced up and Matt, with a stack of books had stopped while walking past.

"Nothing, we're fine, right?" Pidge asked and I nodded, wiping at my face. I must look ridiculous right now.

"Thanks, I'll see you in Herbology okay Pidge?" I asked and she nodded, taking off down the hall. I glanced back up at Matt. "I've just had a rough day yesterday and today."

"What happened?" He asked, walking with me.

"Scratched by a Hippogriff," I said and his eyes widened.

"Woah, where?" I held out my forearm and he examined it.

"That and the magic medicine thing they have me on is making me crazy. Honestly, every time Lance does something annoying I lash out."

"I suppose your brain is just taking things a little too seriously today," he said, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "I'll see you later."

"Quidditch!" I yelped.

"Mood swings, what do they have you on?"

"I wish I knew man," I said and he laughed, disappearing. I entered the next class feeling actually quite happier than earlier. Allura was scribbling something at her desk and I sat next to her.

"Pidge sent me a text, are you okay?" She asked. Man I was being asked that a lot today.

"Yeah, just having crazy mood swings right now," I said, motioning to me arm.

"What's the emotion now?"

"Happy, I think," I replied and took out my textbook.

"You think?"

"Yeah, not really sure," I said, and I almost yelped at the feeling of something on my leg. I glanced down and Blue was there, scurrying up my leg to my now outstretched hand. "Do you have any idea how he gets here?"

"No, I honestly don't," Allura replied. I scratched at Blue's back before he nestled into the folds in the neck of my robe. I noticed Lance quietly enter and sit down behind me.

Good, now he wasn't going to annoy me.

He was quiet all class and quiet entering Potions. He just sat beside me and put his head down. Keith glanced over at him and then to me for an explanation, but Coran interrupted by starting. There was no new potion, only notes and Keith and I took them together, Lance staying separate from us. Usually I don't bother him too much when I tell him to back off.

It was odd.

But weirdly I wanted to ask him if he was okay.


Stay awesome!


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